Chapter 20

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It had been about two weeks since I started dating Cedric. Hermione was the only one I told that I was dating him.

Harry had been stressing about Quidditch because his Team Captain kept stressing the whole team out making them practice nonstop, barely giving enough time for homework.

I was in dinner with Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Ariel, when Ron pointed at the Slytherin table.

"Oh my god, look at Zabini." Ron rolled his eyes.

He was looking at Harry and I and acting as if he was fainting. After a while, I got annoyed so I threw a bagel at his face and it hit him square in the eye.

Harry's eyes widened.

"How do you have such good aim?" Harry asked.

I shrugged. "I dunno."

"Oh, at least I don't have a mudblood for a sister," Zabini said.

That was it. I threw a fork at him, and it lodged itself inside of his hand. Thankfully, Ariel didn't hear him

"Ow!" Zabini screamed at the top of his lungs.

I winced a little, as blood started to rush out of his hand.

The Great Hall went silent, except for Zabini's screams of pain. I felt a bit bad, but at the same time, I couldn't help but smile a bit.

"Holy..." Said Draco, who was sitting across from Blaise, staring at the blood.

"I'm leaving," I said.

I grabbed my bag and got up. Halfway out of the door I saw a little clear ball on the ground.

"Neville isn't this your remembrall?" I asked.

He nodded. "Stand in the aisle. I'll throw it to you. Make sure you catch it." I said.

Neville was sitting all the way on the other side of the Great Hall.

"Are you sure Ma--" I interrupted Harry.

"I got this Harry," I said. Neville stood in the aisle. I threw it.

Neville caught it, surprisingly. The Great Hall was watching me in amusement and in wonder, not even caring that I just made a hole in Zabini's hand. 

"Miss Potter come with me. You too Wood." Professor McGonagall said and lead me and Oliver out of the Great Hall.

We walked into McGonagall's office. "Wood I think we just found you a new chaser." Professor McGonagall said.

"What?" I asked.

"I saw how good your aim is and how far you can throw. You seem like a good chaser." Wood said.

"But I've never ridden a broom in my entire life," I said.

"Harry hadn't either, but now he is the best seeker on the team since Charlie Weasley." Wood said.

"I don't know..." I said. "Here. There is a practice at 8:00 PM. If you can ride a broom, and you enjoy it, join the team. Deal?" Oliver asked.

"Fine. But if I join the team, don't expect me to get up at 5:00 AM for practice." I said.

"Okay fine," Oliver said and left.

"So it's settled. Miss Potter, you still aren't off the hook for puncturing Mr. Zabini's hand. Detention for tomorrow night." Professor McGonagall said.

"But Professor he called my sister a mudblood!" I exclaimed.

"It doesn't matter Miss Potter. You made a hole in his hand!" Professor McGonagall said.

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