Chapter 67

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I scratched the pear on the painting to the kitchens, causing it to swing open. I looked back at Penny, Draco, and Blaise and grinned.

"How did you know where this is? You've only been here for one school year." Asked Blaise.

"I'm friends with Fred and George Weasley, the kings of this place. I know about a lot of things, including where three out of the four common rooms are. But I learned where Slytherin is from them, and Ravenclaw from Ryan." I sighed while walking into the kitchens.

I looked around. There were house elves bustling around the entire place, preparing to send the food out to the Great Hall.

"Woah..." Said Penny, looking at the place in awe. "Yeah, I know," I said, looking for a particular.

"Lizzie!" I called, looking around.

Lizzie was a House Elf that I had met when coming to the kitchens with the Weasley twins a few months before. She'd always hook us up with the freshest meals and sweets.

Lizzie, who was tending to the Treacle Tarts on the other side of the room looked at me, her big blue eyes shining with excitement. She excused herself from her position and scurried over to where we were all standing.

"Miss Potter! Lizzie is so pleased to see you again! And Miss Potter has brought friends!" Said Lizzie, almost jumping up and down in excitement.

"Hi, Lizzie. Lizzie, they are Penny, Draco, and Blaise, friends of mine."

"Wow! What an honor to meet Miss Potter's friends. Lizzie is Lizzie!" Exclaimed Lizzie cheerfully.

Penny let out a giggle, while Draco and Blaise snickered. I hit them both on the arm. "Shut up." I hissed. "Now Lizzie, can you get us some food, please? I'll pay you."

"Oh no. Miss Potter does not need to pay Lizzie. Lizzie does not want the money. Lizzie will give Miss Potter food for free!" Said Lizzie.

"Thank you so much, Lizzie. Also, call me Maya, Miss Potter seems way too professional." I Said.

"Lizzie is sorry. Lizzie will call Maya by Maya's name, not Miss Potter." Said Lizzie. "Come this way."

Lizzie led us to the back if the kitchens, where there were a fireplace, a few armchairs and a coffee table in the center of it. "Lizzie will get Miss—er—Maya's food at once. Please, sit down." Said Lizzie, and with a loud crack, she was gone.

"Wow," said Penny, looking around the room.

"Yeah, I know," I said sitting in one of the armchairs. Penny sat in one of the chairs next to me, and Blaise and Draco pretty much threw themselves onto the couch.

"I have a question." Said Penny.

"Ask away Penny-puff." I grinned.

She sighed and turned a little pink from the nickname. "Why did you say I can come with you again?" She Asked.

"You're gay, I'm gay, this could be a good lifestyle choice for all of us. A gay kid, a lesbian, a girl that defied death, and a poor rich boy who's all lonely and misunderstood." Said Blaise.

"And because you seem nice, Megan and Hannah are assholes to you, and I want to be able to shield your innocence from the outside world." I rambled "And, your hair smells so good. Not to be weird or anything, I'm not creepy. Well, I kind of am creepy because I literally just implied that I sniffed your hair, which I didn't, your hair smell is just really strong—"

"Stop." Laughed Penny. "It's fine, and I know, I used this apple cinnamon shampoo that I had gotten from Hogsmeade, and it makes my hair smell strongly of cinnamon for days."

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