Chapter 30

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A few hours later my eyes fluttered open, and standing at the foot of my bed was Ryan, the Ravenclaw boy from my DADA class.

He was holding a giant folded piece of paper that looked about five feet tall, and some purple and blue orchids. They were actually really beautiful; the outsides of them were purple, and the buds inside of them were blue, so it looked as if there were blue lights shining out of the middle of the flower.

He set the orchids down on the table at my feet and the card on the floor. He turned to leave but then I stopped him.

"Wait," I croaked, sitting up groggily.

He turned around and gave me a small smile. "Hey."

"Hi," I said with a smile. "I don't think we've officially met before."

"Yeah, we haven't," said the Ravenclaw boy awkwardly. "I'm Ryan. We're in the same DADA class."

"Right," I said. "I'm Maya."

"How are you feeling?" Ryan asked.

"Better than usual. What's that?" I asked, looking at the folded paper.

"Oh's a 'Get Well Soon' card. I managed to get most of the people in our year, plus a few people from other years to sign it." Said Ryan putting the card next to my bed and opening it. "It spread around our year pretty quickly that you were in here because of—er—issues, and we wanted to let you know that we care."

"Oh great, another school that knows you're borderline suicidal. Nice job," said my conscience.

"Aww thank you so much," I said, trying not the words of my conscience affect me.

"And I also got these from the Herbology classroom, from me." Ryan flushed red and handed me the flowers. "They're orchids."

"This is really sweet of you," I said smelling the flowers. "How'd you know that orchids were my favorite?"

Ryan turned an even darker shade of red. "I asked Harry. He said you told him a few days ago."

"Awww," I said, feeling myself blush a little bit too. "Well thank you, I appreciate it."

"You're welcome." He said. "I just feel like you deserved it."

I blushed even harder, and when I looked up to meet him in the eyes, he looked away with a blush on his face too. I couldn't help but notice how adorable he looked.

"Well, er, did I miss anything while being in here?" I asked, trying my hardest to change the subject.

"Sirius Black got into the castle and scratched up the Gryffindor portrait!" Ryan said in somewhat alarm.

"Oh, Sirius." I thought, inwardly sighing.

"Really?" I asked, pretending to be surprised.

"Yes! He was trying to get into the Gryffindor Common Room and the Fat Lady wouldn't let him in so he scratched her up! They replaced her temporarily with Sir Cadogan." Ryan said. "They moved most of the students into the Great Hall."

"Ugh, I always miss all of the interesting stuff." I groaned.

"Well, at least you weren't scared to death like the rest of the Great Hall," Ryan said.

"Yeah.." I said.

"Well, I have to get going. I have a ton of homework." Ryan said standing up. "I'll see you around."

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