Chapter 34

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"MAYA!" I heard as I was walking back to the castle along with Ron, Hermione, and Ariel.

Before I even process that someone had called my name, Penny Harlow was already on my back, squeezing the crap out of me.

"You did so well!" She exclaimed. "I knew that you were going to do well too, so I made you this!"

She waved a friendship bracelet in front of my face.

"Penny!" I shouted, coming to a holt. "You scared the crap out of me."

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ariel all gave me a look asking if they should wait for me, but I just gestured for them to go on, which they complied with.

"I'm sorry." She said, still on my back. "But I'm proud of you. This took me ages so I hope you like it."

I hoisted Penny up so that she didn't fall off, and grabbed the bracelet out of her hand. The entire band was Gryffindor red, but somehow on the tiny friendship bracelet, she managed to embroider a female mermaid onto it, with great detail.

"Penny, this is amazing," I said. "How are you so good at making these?"

Penny shrugged and hopped off of my back. "Practice."

"Well thank you, I love it," I said, slipping the bracelet onto my wrist. "Did I get you all wet? I'm soaked, and I was going to go get a warm change of clothes until I was so rudely interrupted."

"No, I'm fine," Said Penny. "Just a little damp."

She took out her wand and pointed it at me. "Aquafero." She said in her high-pitched, but adorably happy voice. All of a sudden, my robes were completely dry.

"What spell is that?" I asked.

"Water removing charm," Said Penny. "The Hufflepuffs and Slytherins learned it yesterday, you should have learned it today but classes were canceled because of the task."

"Oh," I said simply.

"Hey, do you want to hang out for a little bit? I know that they're probably partying it up in the Gryffindor Common Room, but I need to tell you something." Said Penny, almost nervously.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I'll tell you in a minute," Said Penny.

"Is someone picking on you again? I'll beat them all up, I swear. Penny, give me the word and I'll do it." I said seriously.

Penny giggled. "No one is picking on me, but thank you for the concern. I'll tell you once we're completely alone, the group is probably looking for us."

"Where are they?" I asked.

"I left them in the dust, to be completely honest," said Penny. "I ran down from the seats so that I could see you and give you the bracelet, and I thought they were behind me. I guess not."

I noticed Draco, Blaise, Neville, and Daphne walking towards us, seemingly out of breath.

"PENNY!" Exclaimed Blaise.

"Yes, Blaise?" She asked sweetly.

"You ran from us!" Exclaimed Blaise. "We told you to wait up, but no, you just kept running."

Eventually, the rest of the group caught up to us and glared at an innocent-looking Penny.

"It's not my fault you can't keep up," said Penny with a laugh. I laughed.

"You all got outran by a 4'11 Hufflepuff—how does that make you feel?" I asked, causing their glares to shift to me.

"It's not fair!" Said Daphne, using Penny's head as an armrest. Penny turned bright red and crossed her arms while playfully glaring at her. "She runs on sugar and willpower!"

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