Chapter 11

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Recap: As soon as I told them, all hell broke loose.

Harry fainted, which would be funny if we hadn't been under those circumstances. Ron looked very skeptical about what I was saying, and Hermione was fanning Harry, trying to get him to cool off and wake up.

"Do you really think I'm lying, Ron?" I asked. "What reason would I have to lie? If you really need proof, Fred and George were there for part of it."

Coincidentally, a few seconds later, Fred and George came down the boys' staircase.

"You told them didn't you." They asked simultaneously.

"Yeah, I did. Now tell Ronald that I was telling the truth about the whole thing," I demanded.

"Ron, she's telling the truth." Fred started.

"And she wasn't lying about Malfoy saving her." George finished. "If you'd've seen Nott's face..."

"It was so bloody, I couldn't even see his mouth," said Fred.

Harry jerked awake and sat up.

"I just had the worst dream ever. Maya was almost raped and Malfoy saved her." Harry said groggily.

"That wasn't a dream, Harry," I said softly. "And I wouldn't say raped...just assaulted."

"WHAT?" Harry was wide awake now.

"But I was telling the truth about Draco, though. Fred and George as my witnesses," I said.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked.

"I'm a little shaken up, but I'm not really hurt or anything," I said.

"What is that on your wrist then?" Harry asked.

I looked at my wrist to see two enormous bruises that were turning purple from when Nott was gripping my wrists tightly.

My eyes widened. I didn't even notice them earlier. I cringed at the sight of them.

"We are taking you to Madame Pomfrey." Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me to the portrait hole.

"It's okay, they don't even hurt," I reasoned.

"Still taking you to Madame Pomfrey," Harry said.

"No, Harry! I'm fine. I didn't even notice the bruises until you pointed it out," I said.

"But still," Harry said.

"I'm fine!" I protested.

"No, you aren't!" Harry said still trying to pull me, but I kept struggling.

"I'll go to the hospital wing..." I said.

"Good," Harry said and tried to drag me out, but I stopped him.

"If, you and Ron thank Draco for helping me, and you have to make a truce with him. And you have to get to know him." I said.

"...Maya," Harry said.

"I'm serious," I said.

"You know what—whatever." Scowled Harry.

"No!" Ron exclaimed.

"Please Ron, for me?" I asked.

"Absolutely not," said Ron. "I've got nothing to say to him that isn't negative."

"If you do it, I'll give you all the candy I have in my possession," I said. "And I have lots."

Ron's hard expression faltered a bit. "Fine."

"Thank you," I said. "Now Harry, take me to the Hospital Wing because I have no idea where it is..."

"Okay, let's go." He grabbed my arm and pulled me through the portrait hole.

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