Chapter 5

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The very next day, I woke up with an enormous smile on my face.

That day was the day that I would go to Hogwarts for the first time. 

I jumped out of bed and picked out my clothes for that day. Finally, after what felt like years, Harry came out of the bathroom. It was probably payback for waking him up by screaming in his ear.

That part wasn't really my fault though; Harry was such a deep sleeper, to the point where he could probably sleep through a nuclear war.

I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, and threw on my robes. I tied my tie and walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my trunk. "Are you ready?" I asked Harry, who was staring into space.

"What? Oh yes, let's go." Harry said, grabbing his trunk and leading me out of the door.

"Harry, are you okay? You look a little dazed." I asked, turning to him. "I'll tell you when we get on the train." He said.

We jogged down the stairs and waited for Ron and Hermione. I linked my arm through Harry's, and not even ten seconds later, I could hear them bickering like a married couple as they walked down the stairs.

"Get your filthy cat away from me and Scabbers!"

"It's not my fault that Crookshanks is chasing Scabbers! It's in his nature!" Hermione screamed.

"Will you two stop bickering?" Asked two people at the same time.

Ron and Hermione came down the stairs followed by two redheads who looked exactly the same. The two boys walked up to me and Harry.

"Hello, Harry." One said.

"Who is this?" The other one asked.

"I'm Maya, Maya Potter," I said.

Their eyes widened. "So it's true..." Said one of the twins. "She's actually alive..." Said the other one.

"Yeah, I'm alive..." I said awkwardly. "I was just shipped off to America to live with some muggles."

"American eh?" Asked one of the twins.

"Yep. The land of the free, and the home of the brave." I sighed.

The twins looked at each other and then they looked at me.

"I'm Fred." One said. "And I'm George." Said the other. They looked at me with a mischievous glint in their eyes. "Okay, so you're Fred," I said pointing at the one who said he was George.

"And you're George," I said pointing at the one who said he was Fred.

They both looked shocked.

"How did you figure it out!" Asked Fred. "I have my ways," I said creepily. "Plus George you have a 'G' on your sweater and Fred you have an 'F' on yours."

"Idiots," I muttered.

Harry must have heard because he started to snicker.

"THE CARS ARE HERE!" Mrs. Wealsey yelled.

We all ran to the door and got into a car. The car was probably bewitched because it looked like a whole bus on the inside and on the outside, it looked like a regular old Ford Anglia. I took a seat in the back, and Hermione noticed that I was alone, and decided to join me.

We threw our trunks in the trunk of the car and I looked into the aisle to see that everyone else was sitting closer to the front while Hermione and I were all the way in the back. I turned to Hermione.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked.

Hermione shook her head. "No, why would I be? We'd just met yesterday."

"Well when we were shopping, when I started talking about Malfoy and how maybe he isn't as bad he seems, you kinda freaked out and left. And I'm sorry if offended you somehow...?" I said.

"No, no, it's okay," said Hermione. "I honestly don't know why I left like that. I was a bit weirded out by the fact that you were pretty much telling me that Malfoy was a good person despite the things he'd done, and without even meeting him."

"I just have a relatively good judge of character, and I ended up being right," I said. "I'd bumped into him a little after you left, literally. I dropped all of my books and stuff, and he was a bit snippy at first, but as soon as I started talking to him, he seemed really nice. He'd even taken me across Diagon Alley to where the pet shop and the wand shop were."

"Malfoy? Nice? That it's completely impossible." She said. "Did you tell him your last name?"

I nodded. "He knows I'm Harry's sister, but he was nice to me for the most part.
My theory is that he acts mean because his parents taught him that way." I explained. "And maybe he wants to change. He just doesn't know how."

"But Maya he called me a Mud—" She quickly stopped herself.

"And he had no right to do so but look at it this way—If you were raised by the Malfoys, you would be calling people that terrible word because you were taught to. From what Harry has told me, it's obvious that a lot of pureblood families drilled that mindset into their minds." I said. "Besides, Harry told me that he has no real friends. Maybe he's just jealous of you, Harry and Ron because you have such a great friendship and he doesn't any close friendships, so he just takes it out on you. I know he shouldn't, but it's possible."

"How could you possibly get that out of talking to him once?" Asked Hermione incredulously.

"As I said, I have a good judge of character," I said. "Honestly, I grew up not having many friends—so I learned how to read people. It's kinda neat."

"Well, if you manage to get through to Malfoy, I'd be proud of you. If you can see that even people like Malfoy can have a good heart, then props to you." Said Hermione. "I honestly couldn't."

"I just try to look at different sides of people before judging their character," I said resting my head on the window. "I know that he's been a bit of an asshole to you, but I really feel that deep down, under all of that bitterness, Draco Malfoy is a nice, friendly person."

"Maybe," Said Hermione. It was silent for a minute until I spoke up again.

"Wake me up when we get it King's Cross." I yawned while closing my eyes.

"Okay," Said Hermione in barely a whisper before I drifted asleep.



The Lost Potter || Draco Malfoy [BOOK 1]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin