Chapter 28

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Nicolette Roux was pissed. Very pissed. She was marching away from Draco after their small conversation, and all she wanted to do was crush Maya Potter into a fine pulp.

Two months ago—she and Draco were practically inseparable for the first few weeks of November. They would hang out at the Black Lake after class and talked for hours, and she'd even kissed him at one point, and he kissed back before having some sort of freak out, and leaving her by the lake alone. And now that she'd connected the dots, she figured out that Maya was the exact reason why he'd left.

She wanted him, and she was destined to make him want her from the beginning. Nicolette tutored his friend Penny Harlow, a person that she'd classified as very annoying, just so that she would seem nicer. She'd talked about plants for an hour with a boy named Neville who was less than satisfactory, and she'd even given his eleven-year-old sister stupid boy advice after she'd been complaining about her crush to Draco.

And what was all of this for? So that she could get the boy of her dreams snatched by a girl who she figured couldn't even be comparable to her beauty and poise. She wasn't going to stand for it, and she was determined to get Draco Malfoy to be hers, no matter what it took.

As she began to formulate a plan in her mind, she turned the corner and slammed into a boy. He was tall, had shaggy blonde, and looked vaguely familiar. He was wearing a classic Hogwarts uniform with a blue tie.

"Sorry." Muttered the boy.

"Sorry!" Nicolette said, putting on a smile. She wanted to roll her eyes. The boy looked about as plain as the bottom of her shoe, and she wasn't exactly in the mood to put on her persona, but not everyone could know the way that she actually acted.

Then she realized—when she'd bumped into him, he was subtly peering around the corner, watching what was happening.

"I wasn't watching where I was going." Said the boy.

"Yeah, me neither." Said Nicolette. "Say, do I know you from somewhere?"

"No...?" Asked the boy. "But it's nice to meet you. I'm Ryan."

Then it all came flooding back to her. That boy was Ryan Lestrange.

One day, when she and Draco were at the Black Lake, Draco had pointed Ryan out as his cousin and confessed how much he didn't like him, but he'd never told her why.

"I'm Nicolette," said Nicolette. "Were you just watching that conversation?"

"A bit, sorry for eavesdropping." Said Ryan, blushing slightly.

"No, don't apologize. Are you and Draco close at all?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

"No," Ryan said. "He's my cousin, but we don't talk. We coexist, but we don't really like each other much."

"Well then why were you listening?" Asked Nicolette as politely as she possibly could.

Ryan shrugged. "I was curious. Besides, Maya is my ex."

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