Chapter 9

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Hermione and I were walking to Divination when we passed Ron and Harry. They glared at us and I glared right back.

"Do you have any idea where the Divination classroom is?" I asked Hermione, still glaring at Harry and Ron who were now following us.

"It's in the North Tower. Professor McGonagall said to look for a trapdoor," said Hermione with her brown bushy hair flowing behind her as she walked.

When we got to the North Tower, I saw the trapdoor on the ceiling.

"How are we going to get up there?" I asked Hermione.

"I don't know," Hermione said.

"Wow, Hermione Granger doesn't know something? That's a surprise." Ron muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Shut up, Ron," I told him, rolling my eyes.

"Make me," He said teasingly. "What are you going to do to me?" 

"You should have never said that, Ron..." Harry said warningly.

"Hermione, hold these," I said, taking out my earrings.

I screamed a battle cry and tackled Ron. I had him pinned down in five seconds flat. He was lying on his stomach with his arm twisted around his back, groaning in pain. I was sitting on his back, holding his arm in place, grinning.

"What the..." Said a voice. I looked up from Ron to see Draco standing there looking really confused.

"Malfoy," Harry glared at Draco.

Ron would have been glaring too, but his face was being smashed against the floor.

"Hi, Draco," I said with a smile. "How are you?" 

"Decent," said Draco with his eyebrows raised. "What's going on here?"

"Teaching Ronald here some basic respect," I said with a smile. "Black belt. Karate. Respect is big in the dojo that I went to." 

"Got it," said Draco. He looked at Harry, who was still glaring at him. 

"Have you got a problem, Potter?" asked Draco, looking Harry up and down. 

"You tell me, Malfoy," said Harry. "Where's your posy? I thought you needed them to defend you wherever you go."

"I don't have or need a posy, thank you," replied Draco with venom lacing his tone. "Appears, you've got yours right here." 

"Oh boy," I thought.

"Hey!" I said sharply, causing the two boys to look over at me. "If you two don't stop fighting, I'll do this to you." 

I pointed at Ron, who I was still pinning to the ground. 

Both of them stopped glaring at each other and looked at Ron with wide eyes. 

"Maya, get off him," said Harry. "You can't go around tackling people." 

"He's not in too much pain," I shrugged

"How are you so kind, yet so violent at the same time?" asked Draco, intrigued. 

"Trauma and Karate lessons," I said simply, with a small smile. 

The Lost Potter || Draco Malfoy [BOOK 1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora