Chapter 19

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I finally had DADA. Harry Ron and Hermione had it last Thursday, but since I'd dropped Divination, my schedule changed. None of my friends were in this class. Hermione, Ron, and Harry were in Divination, Draco was in Herbology and Ariel was in Charms.

My class was mixed with 3rd year Gryffindors, 3rd year Ravenclaws and the smartest 2nd year Ravenclaws.

I walked into the DADA classroom. Everyone except for Professor Lupin saw there and there was only one seat left next to a girl. She had dirty blond hair and a dreamy expression on her face. She had bright vibrant silvery blue eyes.

I walked up to her desk.

"Hi, is anyone sitting here?" I asked.

"No, you can sit here." The girl said in a dreamy mesmerizing voice. "It's not like anyone wanted to sit here in the first place."

"Why wouldn't anyone want to sit with you? You seem nice." I said sitting down next to her.

"I don't have a lot of friends in Hogwarts. Some people think I'm weird and they like to hide my stuff." The girl said in a perky voice. "So I keep to myself. It's okay though."

"Well, I can be your friend!" I said.

"Really?" She asked in disbelief.

"Of course. I'm Maya. A third-year Gryffindor."

"I'm Luna. Second-year Ravenclaw." Luna said holding out her hand.

I shook it.

"Say, do you know what nargles are?" Luna asked me.

I shook my head.

"They are little creatures that infest mistletoe and are little thieves. I wear my butterbeer cork necklace and my dirigible plum earrings to keep them away. Most people think that they are extinct or don't exist, but my father and I believe that they are living." Luna said.

The night before I read Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander and I read the Care of Magical Creatures textbook and they both said nothing about Nargles, but I didn't say anything because I didn't want to shoot her down.

"Oh, that's cool. I never heard of them before. Maybe because I grew up in the muggle world. In America." I said.

"Oh, how is America? I've never been." Luna asked.

"Umm....for most of my life I lived in a broom closet so..." I thought.

"Oh, it's really nice there! You should really go one day!" I lied.

I wanted to add "Just don't go to Western New York. You could get shot if you go to the wrong place at the wrong time," but I didn't say that for obvious reasons.

(A/N: Its true. Look up Buffalo. It's a very...special city. But it does have one of the smartest schools in the US. Which I go to. GO CENTAURS!! And yes Chiron the Centaur is our mascot. PJO/HOO FANS COMMENT.)

"That would be a nice trip for spring break," Luna said.

"I suggest you go to California, Florida or New York City," I said.

Luna was about to say something but Professor Lupin walked in.

"Good afternoon. You may put your books away. You will only need your wands. We are going to be doing a little....practice class. Now follow me." Professor Lupin said.

We walked until we stopped in front of the staff room. He unlocked the door and we all poured into the room.

The room was pretty much empty except for a regular wardrobe that I swore I saw shake a little.

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