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"Come on Lily, this has to be the cutest picture ever!"

"James, I'm coming. It's not my fault you misplaced my camera!"

"It was important."

"You used it to take pictures of Sirius dancing to the YMCA."

"Exactly. Important."

Halloween night, 1981.

Lily and James Potter, along with their children, Amaya and Harry Potter, had just come back from a small Halloween gathering at the Longbottom' house. Amaya and Harry were still in their quidditch player costumes, riding around on their little toy brooms that only went a foot off of the ground.

Lily walked into the twins' shared bedroom, holding what looked like an old-fashioned muggle camera in her hands.

"Sirius isn't even a good dancer," Said Lily with a smile.

"He tries, and that's all that matters," said James, and Lily laughed.

"Go Hawwy go!" Maya exclaimed as she chased Harry on her broom.

"I going, Maya!" Harry yelled back.

Lily bent down on one knee and took a picture of the two one-year-olds as they circled around the room on their brooms.

"They're adorable," said Lily, standing. "We have very cute children, I have to admit."

She looked at the film that had just come out of the camera and smiled at the moving photo. James put an arm around his shoulder and looked around the room with a smile.

"And to think that you hated me six years ago," James laughed.

"Well, now you aren't a pompous git," said Lily.

"Are you sure about that?" Asked James with a lopsided grin.

Lily rolled her eyes and removed his arm from her shoulders. "I take it back."

"Well, you love this pompous git," said James.

"Unfortunately," Lily jested.

Suddenly, there was a loud banging at the front door.

Poor Maya was so scared by the sound that she'd fallen off of her broom with a yelp. Maya sat on the floor with her bottom lip quivering, and tears gathering in her eyes. Harry noticed and immediately went over to her to give her a hug.

Lily and James looked at each other with cautious looks in their eyes.

"Who could that be? It's nearly midnight—Sirius, Peter, and Remus said they wouldn't be coming until the morning," said Lily worriedly. "

The banging at the door got louder, and Lily and James both took out their wands.

"I'm going down there," said James. "I'll yell if something's wrong."

James kissed Lily and went to the corner where his children were and kissed them both on the forehead. With that, James went downstairs to open the door.

Lily turned to her children and sighed. Harry was still hugging Maya, who was sniffling quietly from her spot on the ground.

"Oh, my baby," said Lily, trying her hardest to ignore the loud bangs coming from her door. "What hurts, My?"

She pointed at a red spot on her knee, where a red spot formed.

"Do you want me to kiss it better?" Asked Lily.

Maya nodded, and Lily leaned down to kiss her little knee.

"Better?" Lily asked. Maya nodded, and Lily wiped her tears.


The sound of the front door being knocked down rang through the house, and Lily heard James scream.

"LILY IT'S HIM!" Exclaimed James.

Lily fought the urge to yell for James to apparate and immediately stood up with her wand in hand. She boarded up the door with everything she could—chairs, toys, a small couch, and both Harry and Maya's cribs.

Her children were staring at her with wide eyes as the tears fell freely down her face.

Lily was scared, so so scared. She couldn't bear to think about James's fate, let alone her own her and her children's. She couldn't apparate—Harry and Maya were too young, and she could have easily sliced them both in half if she wasn't focused enough. She knew that he'd eventually find them, which was her worst fear.

Once she was done about ten seconds later, she picked up her children and set them in the farthest corner from the door. They both had tears rolling down their cheeks, but for some reason, they both knew to be quiet.

Lily bent down to the twins and kissed them both on the cheeks.

"No matter what happens, mommy loves you, okay?" Said Lily, trying her hardest to hold back the sobs in the back of her throat. The twins stared at her, not knowing what to do."I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you."

After a few moments of eerie silence, the door exploded open and the three people within the room screamed. Toys and chairs went flying all over the room, and if it wasn't for Lily's body shielding the children, they would have gotten hit. Harry and Maya hugged each other, both crying their eyes out.

Voldemort walked over to her with excitement dancing in his eyes. He smiled as Lily, Harry, and Maya all cried in fear.

"Don't hurt my children!" Lily sobbed, "Please!"

"Lily Potter," said Voldemort. "Step aside if you want your life to be spared."

"Please, not them, please," Lily cried. "Not my babies."

"It is in your best interest that you step aside," said Voldemort. "This is your last chance to be spared."

"I will never," said Lily bravely.

"Have it your way." Yelled Voldemort. "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

And with a burst of green light, Lily Potter was dead. Then Voldemort advanced on the crying children that had their arms wrapped around each other. He pointed his wand at them.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Voldemort screamed.

From this day on, everything was a blur.

Somehow, the curse had backfired on Voldemort, causing him to completely disappear. Harry had been left with a lightning bolt scar on her forehead, while Maya had ended up with one on her neck.

Almost twenty minutes later, Dumbledore apparated into the room. He looked at the crying children and said an enchantment over the twins, which immediately made them fall asleep. Dumbledore picked up Maya, who was fast asleep, and apparated with her in his arms.

This was the day that Harry Potter became the boy who lived. The ministry believed that it was in the best interest of the two children for them to live separately—which Dumbledore agreed with. There was no trace of Maya left after the massacre, so everyone had soon believed that she was dead and forgot about her—no one else knowing that she was alive other than Dumbledore, the Ministry of Magic, the Order of the Phoenix, and the one and only Severus Snape.

Maya was sent to America, where she would live with a squib and her family, while Harry was sent off to Surrey, England to live with the Dursleys. Maya and Harry then soon forgot about each other and went on with their lives believing they were the only child.

It wasn't until twelve years later until everyone found out the truth—long after Maya was supposed to first arrive at Hogwarts. And it all started somewhere—with the escape of Sirius Black.



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