Chapter 6

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Hermione, Ron, Harry, and I were walking in King's Cross station when a thought came to my mind.

"There isn't a Platform 9 3/4, there are only platforms Nine and Ten," I said to Hermione as we walked. She just smiled at me and didn't say a word. Harry, Ron, and Hermione stopped in the middle platforms Nine and Ten.

"Ron, do you want to demonstrate for Maya?" asked Harry.

Ron smirked and took a step forward. "Absolutely."

Ron went over to the wall and stood directly in front of it. He grabbed his cart tightly and ran to the wall. Then he ran towards the wall. I was about to yell for him to stop, but he went right through the wall, and the muggles didn't even pay attention to it.

Then Harry went and then Hermione. I was about to go through the platform until I heard a familiar voice.

"Hello, Potterette," It was the one, the only Draco Malfoy.

I was completely and utterly determined to become his friend.

"Hi, Draco," I said, turning around to him.

"How did you know it was me?" he asked walking up to me.

"No one I know would call me Potterette except for you," I said trying to read his emotions. "Besides, your voice is very memorable."

His eyes were twinkling with amusement but there was a hint of sadness in them.

"Where is your brother?" asked Draco looking around.

"He is already on the platform. Where are your parents?" I asked, seeing that he was walked to the platform alone.

"What's it to you?" He snapped suddenly.

"You just look kind of sad, that's all," I said quickly. "I figured that that was the reason why. Sorry for prying."

"Oh?" Asked Draco. "You care?"

He almost seemed shocked that I'd seemed concerned.

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked.

He shrugged. "No reason. And my parents had something to do, so they didn't come. It's really not a big deal."

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said.

"It doesn't matter, but er, thank you for caring I guess." He said, forcing a smile. "I'll see you on the train...?"

"Yes, you most definitely will," I said, offering him a small smile. "Bye Draco."

"Bye Potterette," Said Draco with a smirk.

"That nickname gets worse and worse the more you say it," I laughed.

He bit his lip and smiled, obviously trying to hold back a chuckle.

I smiled at him once more before running straight towards the wall. I squeezed my eyes shut and instead of coming face to face with bricks, I went straight through the wall. The minute I saw the train I gasped.

It was a huge red steam engine and the words HOGWARTS EXPRESS were painted on the side in gold.

"This is it Maya, a chance for a change in your life. Don't fuck it up this time." Said the voice in the back of my head. I shook the voice out of my head and looked towards the train again.

I ran up to the train and put my luggage on it. I gave Athena and her cage to the man who was taking the owls and cats. I hopped onto the train and went all the way down the aisle looking for Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

Halfway to the back of the train, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and covered my eyes and mouth. I yelped and I felt myself sitting on someone's lap. I elbowed them in the gut and got up. I turned around to see Fred hunched over howling in pain and a girl was next to him.

The girl had dark brown skin, curly black hair, and dark eyes. Across from them sat George and a boy that was around the same skin tone as the girl, but he had dreads and lighter eyes.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again!" I screamed stomping on George's foot.

He yelped in pain.

"What did I do? It was Fred who'd done it!" He yelled massaging his foot through his shoe. "George, I know that you had some part in this too," I said crossing my arms. "So violent!" Fred said sitting back in his seat. I felt the train move forward.

"Why thank you. I try." I said doing a dramatic hair flip. "Second Degree Black Belt, at your service."

"Angelina, Lee this is Maya Potter, Maya they are Angelina Johnson and Lee Jordan." Fred groaned out, holding his stomach.

"As in Harry Potter's sister?" asked Angelina asked. I nodded. "I thought you were dead!" Lee exclaimed.

"A lot of people do, it's a bit of a long story," I said. "But I have to go find Harry's compartment. I'll see you guys around."

I left Fred and George's compartment. I went all the way to the back of the train and saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione sitting in a compartment with a sleeping man in there. They all looked concerned, and they kept looking out of the train window onto the platform.

"Hey, guys," I said opening the compartment door.

"Maya!" They exclaimed.

"Where were you? We thought you were going to miss the train," Said Harry concernedly.

"Relax, I had a run-in with Fred and George," I said as I sat between Ron and Harry.

"Well now that you are here, I have something to tell you lot," Harry said getting up and closing the compartment door.

Harry explained that he overheard Mr. and Mrs. Weasley talking about Sirius black last night, and how he was supposedly after me and Harry. 

"And I thought my life would be snormal once I got here." I thought.

After about three hours on the train, the train suddenly came to a complete stop. A chill rolled into our compartment, and I watched as our window froze over.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"We can't nearly be there yet. Ow Ronald that's my foot!" Hermione said shivering.

"Sorry." Ron squeaked.

Suddenly a black floating thing with its hood came into our compartment. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. All of my worst memories and dreams just came back to me.

The memories of the house that I lived in with Lester and Kathleen, my worst thoughts, and the most embarrassing school memories I had just came flooding back to me. I felt my breathing begin to pick up, and my entire body started to shake. Right before everything went black, I heard a faint scream and saw a burst of green light.

I woke up to Hermione shouting my name. "Maya!" 

"Wake up Harry!" I heard Ron shout. I sat up groggily. "What happened?" I asked.

"The dementor had deeply affected you and Harry. Take this. It will make you feel better." The man gave me a piece of chocolate and I happily ate it.

Harry still wasn't waking up, so I had to take measures into my own hands.

"Wake up!" I screamed as I slapped Harry in the face. Harry, Hermione, and the man winced.

His eyes snapped open. "Ow!" He yelped.

"Was that necessary?" asked Harry sitting up, holding a hand to his cheek. 

"I believe so," I said, helping him up. "If I had water, I would have poured it on your face."

The man gave Harry a piece of chocolate and muttered something about going to ask the driver about something.

"One question. Did everyone else hear that scream?" I asked and Harry nodded.

"I did," said Harry. 

Hermione and Ron exchanged concerned looks.

"No one screamed," said Hermione.

"Oh great." I thought.



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