Chapter 64

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"So you were frustrated about Ryan breaking up with you, so you started punching a punching bag without gloves, and broke three fingers on the one hand, two on the other, along with spraining both of your wrists. Are you actually stupid, or just impulsive?" Asked Blaise as we sat in our usual mental breakdown spot.

It was right before dinner, and we had enough time to spare, so we decided to have a little—er—drama session.

"A bit of both." I admitted, earning the 'you're a dumbass' look from Blaise.

"I'm a Gryffindor okay? Impulse is my middle name." I Said, looking at the two braces on my wrists, and all of the fingers that I had buddy taped together.

Madam Pomfrey wanted me to learn my lesson for being stupid, so she didn't fix my fingers and she let them heal naturally.

"Also, I was mad okay? I wasn't even really that sad. Sure I'm going to miss him, and all that he's done for me—" I stopped myself, taking a deep breath. "I'm just really annoyed at him for breaking up with me over a letter. Like what an asshole move."

"You knew that he's a wuss, how come you didn't expect this?" Asked Blaise.

"Well, I didn't expect him to break up with me Blaise. I mean, why would he? I thought our relationship was going fine." I Said.

"Maybe it's because you do things like this." Said Blaise, grabbing my brace and holding it up to my face. "Honestly, what were you thinking?"

"I wasn't thinking anything. I was just really annoyed, and when I get really annoyed, I usually punch things. And since I came to Hogwarts, I hadn't really had a good work out. It felt good. When I was in America, every day after school I had Karate classes, and that's usually when I got all of my anger out." I sighed.

"Your foster parents signed you up for Karate? I thought they hated you? No offense." Said Blaise.

"They put me in it because they thought I would hate it. And I acted like I did hate it so they didn't take it away from me." I Said.

"How good are you?" Asked Blaise.

"Second-degree black belt." I sighed as if it was nothing.

"You're lying." He said, looking at me in awe. "Nope. Second degree. My belt test for my third degree was supposed to be in December but I missed that. Great." I sighed.

"Why are you actually perfect?" Blaise Asked. "No hetero but you're pretty, really nice, somewhat smart and can kick someone's ass? You're so fucking iconic."

"I love to know that people think about me in that way, other than some depressed little bitch who cries over literally everything." I sighed.

"The things that you cry about aren't really nothing." Blaise Said. "Like the whole Hogsmeade thing, and the whole Diggory thing, I get why you cried. But look at it this way, you haven't cried over Ryan yet."

"That's probably because he pissed me off right before he dumped me. Then he pissed me off even more by breaking up with me through a letter. Honestly, I don't fucking need him. If he's too scared to actually be there for me when I need it, so be it. He isn't worth my tears." I snapped.

"Yes. This is what I'm talking about. He's a coward, and you deserve so much better than an intrusive Ravenclaw boyfriend who, to be completely honest, was an asshole." Said Blaise.

"He's not an asshole. He's just really fucking annoying."

"Well..." Said Blaise.

"What? Did he do something?" I asked.

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