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[The picture wouldn't upload where it was supposed to go 😠]
Third Person P.O.V

Evie had sent out a message to her friends to meet her at her place the next day. Everyone agreed and nobody thought twice about her request.

"Come in? Well, it's odd but welcoming. Screams Evie, doesn't it?" Ben asked Carlos as he read the sign on the door, Carlos nodded before reaching forward and opening the door. The two of them walked in and were met with the pleasing aroma of fresh-baked cookies. "Evie? We're here!" Ben looked around as he and Carlos walked further into the house. Neither of them heard back from the girl, instead, they heard the front door open and another voice call for Evie. Jay and Gil had walked through the front door this time.

"Oh, hey guys. Where's Evie?" Jay asked as he and Gil walked towards the couple. "She's probably just getting ready," Carlos answered shrugging as he took a seat. He was glad once Evie had texted him seeing as she had been ignoring his previous texts, but even after asking for him to come to her house, Evie continued to ignore his text. "Do you know why she asked us to come see her?" Jay asked as he took a seat across from Carlos and Ben.

"I'm not sure, maybe to explain what's been going?" Ben was tense, Carlos could tell as he placed his hand on his fiancé's shoulder. "What exactly has been going on? Did we miss something?" Jay asked as he looked at the pained expressions on their faces. "Evie and-" Before Carlos could answer Jay's question, the front door swung open for the third time that day. Mal, Uma, and Harry all marched into the house, Mal and Uma shared the same serious expression on their faces while Harry looked confused.

"Was the dramatic entrance necessary? I almost had a heart attack." Mal didn't even bother rolling her eyes at Carlos' comment before she pointed at them. "We need to get out of here now, let's go!" The four guys looked at one another confused, Evie had asked them to meet at her place right? "What? Evie asked us to meet her here, or is she in the castle with Bella?" Jay asked as he and Gil stood up.

"Evie won't be joining us this morning, she sent me instead." Everyone turned their attention to the owner of the new voice in the room. "Hi, I don't think we've met. Zevon, son of Yzma. Nice to meet you, your highness." Zevon extended his hand towards Ben who awkwardly shook his hand before looking at the others confused as to who exactly was this random guy. "Where's Evie?" Mal asked, or well practically demanded. "Well Mal, if you must know, she's in the chapel getting ready for our big day." Ben furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, what exactly did Zevon mean by big day?

"Well, that's all. You're free to go- Oh, wait! I almost forgot, you're all invited to our wedding. It's a short notice, I know and apologize. We just wanted to do it as soon as possible though. Well, I hope to see you all there. Bye bye." With a small 'poof' Zevon disappeared before anyone could stop him.

"Okay, what exactly did we miss? Zevon and Evie are getting married? What about Bella? Why isn't she here? Can someone please explain what's going on?!" Jay looked at his friends desperately for answers, but none said anything. Ben decided to speak up first, he didn't know much besides what Bella had told him the day before.

"I don't know, Bella said Evie broke up with her. When I asked why she locked herself away and started working. I was hoping she called us over to explain." Ben looked over at Mal hoping she knew something about what was going on. "Evie broke up with Bella? Evie, as in I-want-to-grow-old-with-Bella- Evie broke things off? To go with Zevon? That creep!?" Ben shrugged, he couldn't wrap his head around what was going on either. He wondered if magic was behind it, but he didn't want to question it in front of a fae and witch.

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