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carlos' p

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carlos' p.o.v

"ben!" i called out as we walked through the forest. we've been walking for awhile now and still no sign of him. i swear i will murder audrey if she hurt ben. she wasn't capable of murder was she? no, she's just fishing for attention. she's going about it the wrong way but still, she just wants attention and a title. she didn't really care about ben, she should just stop lying to everyone.

"dude, come on. nothing?" i asked dude as he was the one sniffing out ben.

"it's still crazy to me how these grow everywhere." i heard gil say as he ate from a berry bush. "yeah, crazy right." jay stood next to his boyfriend as they are from a bush. "hey, your names together is gay." dude said to jay as he went over to sniff the bush.

"dude!" i called for him but he ignored me. he's too honest for his own good. he wasn't wrong though. it seemed like jay and gil didn't mind his words as they continued to talk. at least they had each other right now.

"i bet you've seen it all, since you've been in auradon longer than us. fuzzy rocks, giant fish, you're probably bored of it all." gil continued to stuff berries into his mouth. "no, not bored of anything actually nor have i seen it all. tourney kinda eats up most of my time." jay admitted. honestly they made a cute couple. they remind me of ben and i when we first started dating. gil being me, the one who's still new to auradon and jay being ben, the one who's not new to auradon and is showing the other a 'whole new world'.

"tourney? that's a wee boys game." harry said mocking them. sounds like someone's jealous. gil and jay looked at him for a second before going back to their conversion. "right, you know what would be fun? to go rafting in a jungle river." "find a lost civilization." "ooh, maybe a penguin!" "well, you find those more in icebergs, but i'd love to see one of those."

"woah guys, maybe you can do all that after we take down audrey." i reminded them ending their conversation. i didn't mean to sound rude but if they wanted to do all that, we had to find audrey and put a stop to her madness.

"you guys are killing me! p.s, your mutt went that way." harry said walking past gil and jay. someone was either jealous or in a hurry to get out of here. "carlos!" i heard dude yell from wherever he was. i really need to put a leash on that dog. or a bell.

"dude what do you see?" i asked as i ran to him. "this way!" he simply answered. man who would've thought i'd one day end up with a talking dog while running through the forest with pirates and jay.

we caught up to dude as he led us through the forest. still no sign of ben and bella. great. "ben!" i called out his name. you know when i picture myself screaming his name, this isn't the scenario i had in mind.

"oh boy, something stinks and it wasn't me this time." dude said as he stopped walking. what was he talking about? then from behind a tree a... lion on two legs with clothes on jumped from behind? it was a lion right? no bear can let out a roar like that?

wait no, it was ben! no animal wears clothes, and if they did i doubt they would choose blue and yellow as their default colors. so if this beast was ben, why is he attacking us?

"you need some serious nose adjustment." harry said to the beast that just attacked him. smart move hook. "i'm not sure, ben? did audrey do that?" i asked him. "huh, i thought i recognized those pants." jay said. don't say anything carlos, i doubt jay pays attention to ben's pants because of his nice ass. not the time to be overprotective.

"aw he's got a boo-boo, that's why he's so cranky. you know, my dad said that his dad did not handle pain well at all." gil said as ben let out a small roar in pain. his hand, he was bleeding.

"he's your boyfriend, do something!" jay was right, i should be able to calm him down. okay here goes.

"ben? hey ben, it's me carlos. you know me, come show me where it hurts. i can help you, just like that. good boy, uh i mean... yes come here." ben slowly stepped closer to me as i stepped closer to him. he showed me his paw, it had a big splinter. okay this would be easy, for me and hurt a lot for him. "one, two, three." i pulled out the splinter as fast as possible to not cause much pain but he still let out a loud roar. i might be deaf now. great thanks a lot babe.

"okay now come here," i grabbed his hand paw whatever again and brought it close to my face. "imma kiss it better okay?" and that i did. i kissed where his wound was and boom, the beast went from scary to soft. he began to rub his head on me, kinda like what dude does when i just fed him.

"okay, now to turn you back..." what the fuck do i do now? "kiss him." jay whispered. he's kidding right? "do it." fine okay, here goes.

"ben, look at me sweetie. yes, good bo- ben." i scratched the back of his ear, all furry animals like that right? at least dude does. oh and now beast boy here does too. if only he had a tail to wag, does he have one and we just can't see it? that'd be awesome. okay carlos stop stalling.

i kissed him, i kissed the beast. if this doesn't work then i don't know what i'll do with myself. suddenly, i felt the hair on his face go away, not all of it but still. soon ben was back to normal. holy fuck i'm magic.

"oh woah, true loves kiss works every time." harry said in a mocking way, what's up with him? "ha carlos' kissed an animal." gil joked, jay was going to twist this and calle me a-

"ha carlos is gonna marry a furry." jay said in a sing-song voice.

"thanks love." ben kissed my cheek and woah. the facial hair really did it for me. ben wuth facial hair was hot as fuck. "never shave again." i whispered before kissing him, on the lips again cause ugh i really like how it felt. "i'm also digging those." i pointed at his teeth, they looked like fangs which like oof, he's like a vampire with a beard. look if ben grew a full beard, i wouldn't protest. honestly facial hair really, and i mean really, suits him.

"oi, get a room after we save auradon!" was harry just upset no one payed him any attention? oh well, that's a you problem harry.

"it's been two hours, we should probably head back to evie's place." jay reminded us, right the faith of auradon is on the line here. "wait, what have i missed so far?" ben asked. right we need to catch him up.

"well, mal has the ember which is our only hope to stop audrey. details to follow." jay filled ben in as we began to head the direction of evie's place. "hades ember? did mal go back to the isle?" ben asked. "i said 'details to follow', we're meeting up with uma, mal and evie. now let's go." excuse me jay, my boyfriend is a bit slow. no i mean my future husband. yeah i liked that better.

i grabbed ben's hand as we walked to evie's, i really wished it was just the two of us but under these unfortunate circumstances, it's not really safe to be out here by yourself.

"hey, always remember that i love you." ben whispered into my ear as we reached evie's place. after being quite for so long these are his first words? love that for me. "i love you more."

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