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mal's p

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mal's p.o.v

i was leaving evie's place when she walked past me. she bumped into me rather hard and didn't apologize. this was very out of character if you ask me. i went after her, somethings wrong and i need to see what's up. i called after her but she didn't stop, she just walked quicker into her room. "evie!" i caught up to her and grabbed her by her wrist. "first you don't apologize, and now you ignore me? e what's wrong?" i turned her around and she was crying. i knew it, something was wrong.

"let me go." i shook my head and my hold on her tightened. "e what's wrong?" she shook her head, her eyes were red and her cheeks were tear stained. "just leave me alone, i don't want to talk okay? just let go!" she pushed me away and i saw the instant regret in her face as i staggered backwards. okay, somethings wrong and i shouldn't push it. "i'm sorry, when you're ready to talk then just call me." i walked out, and she didn't come after me. something was wrong and i had to find out what. she wouldn't just show up crying and not explain why, evie is never afraid to let us know how she feels. i was already on my way to see the queen, so once i saw her i'd ask if she knew something.

i texted bella that i was on my way, by the time i reached the castle i still hadn't gotten an answer yet. the guards let me in and i quickly made my way up to her room, she didn't usually ignore my or anyone's texts really. everything felt off today, first i feel likes someone's watching me as i get home. then evie's crying, and now bella won't answer my text. somethings going on, but what? i reached her room and knocked, i didn't get an answer yet again. the door was slightly opened so i decided to just go in, if she was doing something then the door would be shut after all.

"bella?" i walked in and look around, her room was a bit of a mess compared to how she usually has it. papers, magazines and other stuff were all spread across the floor. she was laying on her bed, but she didn't seem to be asleep. "bella? is everything okay?" i heard a muffled 'yes' but i didn't believe her. i walked over to her bed, she was clutching on to the covers for dear live. "yeah well i don't believe you, but i'll take your word for it. i'm here to update you on the progress we're making with the new programs for not only the vk's but the ak's."

she sat up and rubbed her eyes before speaking. she didn't look great, was she sick? her face was paler than usual, her eyes were bloodshot and she just looked very worn out. "yeah, so what are the numbers for the participation in each program? how are the kids adjusting?" she's not okay, maybe it has something to do with evie? i mean evie was crying and i think so was bella, both of their eyes are all bloodshot. why would they both be crying? "mal?"

"huh? oh right, well the participation numbers are high which is amazing, many kids are getting into extracurricular activities, and thanks to them auradon prep is taking many step forwards in the right direction. the new fashion program is opening up pretty soon thanks to dizzy  petitioning for it. there will be coed clubs, so no team is just made up of only guys which is pretty cool. so many girls are trying out, some have asked if i can get jay to help then train. it's pretty amazing."

"that's amazing, and how are the students adjusting? how are they doing in the classroom? do they feel comfortable and safe?" her voice seemed shaky, and like she was trying not to cry. "the vk's are adjusting perfectly, a majority of them are pacing their classes. there are some who are struggling but we've set up a tutoring program. that in itself is also working great, many ak's have volunteered to tutor them. to make sure they're comfortable and safe, some vk's are being roomed with other vk's. we do want to prevent any ak's from becoming potential bullies after all." i tried joking but i didn't even get a chuckle from her.

"well i'm glad to hear that, i should probably stop by soon to see how everyone's doing. and what about the vk's that are still with their parents? i know i'm still trying to see all the parents, but the ones i've seen are still very set in their ways. no signs of change, but that was expected. no parents have tried anything, and their kids are harmless. at least a majority are." she says she's glad but she doesn't sound it. "well as you know many parents are under investigation, we found three kids who were being held hostage by their parents. those kids are currently receiving the help they deserve."

"well everything seems to be running smoothly, is that all or is there more?" she asked, she was avoiding looking at me now. "that's all for now, bella are you sure everything's okay?" i asked again, i mean all the signs point to something not being okay. she knows she can trust me right? "yes, everythings... everything fine mal." if everything's fine why'd she hesitate? "i don't believe you, are you sure you're not sick? you don't have a cold or a fever?" she shook her head.

"well have you talked to evie today? i ran into her before coming, she was crying. do you have any idea why that might be?" she pulled her knees up to her chest and buried her head in her arms. "no, i have no idea why she was crying." was she crying? she was crying, she was just trying to hide it. "bella somethings up, you can tell me. maybe i can help you and evie through it." she let out a stifled laugh.

"unless you know why she broke up with me, i don't think there's much you can do." i'm sorry what? evie broke up with her? no, no i don't believe that. why would evie break up with her? she's like in love with her, what reason could she possibly have for doing so. "when did she break up with you?" "earlier today." if evie broke up with her then there had to be a reason. evie just wouldn't do something like that out of nowhere, no one would.

"look i'll talk to her, this isn't like her. i just know it okay, just don't beat yourself up okay?" she didn't say anything, she stayed seated with her head buried in her arms. "i'll talk to her, and i'll call you okay? this is al probably a big misunderstanding. i'll call you, bye bell." i quickly left the room and rushed down the stairs, i called carlos to see if he's talked to evie but he didn't respond. i called jay, but he said he hadn't spoken to her yet. uma said the same thing, and evie wasn't answering her phone. she was probably still crying...

once i made it to the house, i walked in to see a very happy and relaxed evie. she was baking and singing, she wasn't crying anymore. she looked like her usual self, nothing out of the ordinary. that didn't make sense though?

"oh hey mal! i just made some cookies, why don't you sit there while i serve us some milk. nothing beats fresh out of the oven cookies." what in the actual fuck? suddenly something moved from the window, a shadow or something. was someone watching us? i quickly walked over to the window and opened it, i peaked over it and didn't see anyone. all i saw was a trench coat on the floor. hey i've seen that trench coat before, it belonged to some creep back on the isle. what was his name? he liked to call himself the great something. i forgot honestly, he mattered so little to me so why bother remembering his name?

i walked back to the kitchen and saw that evie was now cleaning. "so evie, did anything happen today that i should know about?" she looked up from whatever she was dusting. "no nothing, why do you ask?" is she serious right now? wait there it goes again, the shadow or creep! it just ran past, but i didn't catch a glimpse of its face. just a blue streak in its hair? who had a trench coat and blue streak in their hair? what was that creeps name? evan? evon? zevan? zebra? no don't be ridiculous mal, it started with a z that's what i remember...

zevon! he's the son of yzma. that little creep was here? but why? i mean i know he had a crush on me back then, but that can't be the reason why he's here? wait why is he specifically at evie's place? how does he know where she lives? when did he get here? does his presence have anything to do with what's going on?

"hey eves,"

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