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her new dress uwuthird person p

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her new dress uwu
third person p.o.v

bella rubbed her eyes as she tried to make sense of her surroundings. she didn't know where she was or what had happened, but somehow this seemed familiar. it was somebody's home was all she could think. she felt a cold breeze and she tried to warm herself up but when she touched her shoulder she felt something there. she looked down at her hand and saw blood, then she remembered what had happened. she was fighting adrian and then evie showed up, then a blinding light came and now she's here.

"aw you're awake, how wonderful." bella looked up and saw an old lady come out from behind a curtain. she recognized her as the old witch from when she was a child. "i was wondering when you'd wake up, i don't usually get visits so when you arrived i was delighted. how long has it been? years that's for sure." bella tried to get up but something stopped her.

"how long have i been out?" she asked as she gave up trying. "hours, but time workers differently here so when you go back it's almost like you never left. tea?" bella shook her head and kindly declined the offer. "how did i get here?" the witch served herself some tea as she explained. "well you just showed up. the door opened widely and you flew right in. you should learn how to control those things." bella had no idea what she was talking about until she looked behind her.

"what? wings? i-i have?" now bella knew damn well those weren't there before. "yes, you didn't know? well of course not, you mortals never fully comprehend magic. so you remember the necklaces i gave you right?" bella looked down at her necklaces and nodded.

"well i told you that once you met your soulmate something magical would happen. i don't know why it finally happened as you met her a while ago, but magic always reveals itself in the face of danger." soulmates? but bella didn't believe in soulmates. "so evie... she's my soulmate?" the witch nodded happily. "yes, and since you both had the necklaces on magic lit up inside you and well now look at you! wings! i do wonder what she got though. i just know you both have magic within you and that magic will always come in handy when confronted by big obstacles. that's the beauty in love, it always sparks up some magic. as for the light, i can't really explain that. i just know it'll be back though, and more powerful. danger is headed to auradon so you better brace yourself." what?

"danger? what type of danger?" the witch shook her head. "i can't tell you dear, or else the worst will come. you can't mess with destiny, you can only prepare yourself for what's to come and accept it. just as long as you keep that on, you'll be protected at all times. you have good forces within you, nothing could corrupt them. enough about that though, you must head back. after all, it is your birthday. i have a present!" the witch went into a room and came back with a dress.

"we can't have you going back dressed in drags." she tossed the dress to bella, but before bella could catch it the dress was already on her. the wonders of magic, getting dressed by just throwing the clothes on was actually a great idea. "and those things, just don't think about them and they'll go away. again, they'll only come out when in danger. watch out for your girlfriend, she might've gotten wings too or she might be glowing. i don't know, there's no handbook for what abilities one develops by the magic of love. have fun and enjoy your evening."

the witch pushed bella out the door and shut the door. 'i'll be back when the time comes.' she thought to herself as she went back to her cup of tea. much to bella's surprise she was right outside the castle doors. she looked behind her and noticed the wings were gone, she wondered if she could make them appear whenever or just when she was in danger. she'll have to look into the lore of magic and everything else really.

the guards opened the door for her and she walked in to see that guest had already arrived. her parents took notice of her presence and rushed to see her.

"where have you been? ben told us you went for a walk and suddenly got lost, that the guards had to go look for you. why are you all bruised up and scarred? what where you doing out there? fighting for your life or something?" belle asked as she fixed bella's hair, she didn't even bother asking why the change of attire. "something like that." bella laughed, her parents shook their heads thinking she was joking.


evie, carlos and ben all stood in front of adrian who was handcuffed to a chair. ben had asked the guards to leave them alone with him but to make sure there were guards outside the doors at all times. adrian wouldn't talk, and they three were growing impatient.

"that little girlfriend of yours is such a tight piece of ass," evie looked up and stared in disgust at adrian. he finally decides to talk and that's what he chooses to say? "i was so surprised when she came to me. asking me to treat her in ways you couldn't. i had her screaming my name in ways you could never. it's always the innocent ones that are the best cheaters."

evie was getting angrier by the second. the more adrian talked the angrier she got. "enough!" evie yelled, she grabbed ben's crutch and didn't hesitate to hit adrian with it multiplies times. "evie! evie! stop!" carlos held her back and evie finally dropped the crutch. "don't let him get to you."

the doors opened and the guards rushed in, they grabbed adrian and began to walk away with him. "bye, thanks for visiting auradon! please never show your face around here ever again!" bella said in the most sweet and innocent voice she could muster up. evie didn't hesitate to run up to her and embrace her.

"oh my gods you're safe! i was so worried. where were you?" evie asked as she looked over bella to make sure she didn't have any serious injuries. "ran into an old friend, but enough about me, how are you? do you feel strange or unusual?" bella asked as she took a turn looking over evie. "not anymore, now that you're here safe and sound."

"where are they taking him?" carlos asked as he and ben walked up to the two. "they're going to lock him up, and they're going to investigate cruella. see if she had anything to do with this." carlos sighed and rested his head on bens shoulder. " hasn't the de vil name been through the mud enough already?" carlos joked.

"how about we all head downstairs and enjoy the party, i think we deserve to relax a bit. we've saved auradon enough times haven't we?" evie joked as she intertwined her hand with bella's. "agreed, let's celebrate and join our friends. i'm sure everyone's waiting for the stars of the night." the four of them walked down stairs together.

bella couldn't help but question what was coming to auradon, or when it was coming to auradon. she just knew she had to be ready, if she had to die for her kingdom then so be it. she wouldn't just stand by and watch evil begin it's reign over everyone. with what she learned today, she would have to learn to use the magic she's been gifted with. and learn how to use the wings in her advantage.

as she and evie danced, she couldn't help but wonder what was it that evie had. not only magic within her but on the outside. did she get wings too? or could she glow and do magic like an enchantress? could she transform, or like shapeshift? hopefully whatever came to her would be soon unlocked and they could both learn to control it together.

(i just love the concept of wings, like from maleficent's wings to tinker bells wings. i love them! what should be evie's ability? let me know what you guy think lol)

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