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third person p.o.v

now where did we leave off? oh right, the night of the cotillion! yes, now what has happened since then? well uma, harry and gil became students at auradon prep, jane was under surveillance after what she did the night of the cotillion, and bella has been working with ben, uma and mal to find ways to help the kids on the isle of the lost.

they were able to send care packages, they even delivered some themselves in person, and hosted weekly field days, or cook outs whichever title seems better. they still were looking into homes for the children, finding ways to get the villain kids to meet their parents "enemies", and since a batch of students were leaving auradon prep to go to college, dorms would be available for new vk students. 

the whole 'the villain's children should meet with the people their parents tried to kill' plan was actually working out well. mal met princess aurora and her husband and they got along well, something that really annoyed audrey. jay met princess jasmine  and aladdin, they also got along with him and decided to invite him over to dinner on multiple occasions, after all jafar was close with the family even if he was after something other than family. snow white absolutely loved evie, even asked if she could redesign her iconic gown. snow white also accepted evie as her step sister, which meant the world to evie.

oh did we forget to mention, today is vk day. mal and the vk's were going back to the isle to choose four new vk's to come to auradon! it was exciting, but people still felt on edge to see who these kids were, specifically who their parents were.

much to their surprise, they were all young children as the queen had told them. the new vk's who would be coming to auradon the following week will be; dizzy daughter of drizella, celia daughter of dr facilier, and last but not least, squeaky and squirmy, twin sons of mr. smee.

this made harry hook very happy as he always watched over the boys as if they were his own brothers. you didn't hear that from me though, harry doesn't like letting people know he's a huge softy. 

what else? oh right!

evie, jay, ben, mal and bella all graduated! carlos was a few months younger than them so he still had one more year left, but what else could the kid learn? he's already so smart! uma, gil, and harry had to do summer school an just to make up credits, depending on what they wanted their futures to be.

things between carlos and ben had been going great! carlos finally told ben how he felt, as if ben would leave him because he wasn't super romantic like himself. ben also told carlos how he thought carlos would leave him for 'boring you with all the romantic stuff'. both boys laughed at how silly they sounded, they were so in love with one another, so stupid with love you could say. carlos took it upon himself to be as romantic as ben, and oh boy just you wait.

evie and bella were also doing great! although the two had gone on many dates, they haven't really said the three special words, 'i love you', and they weren't really intimate. they farthest they've gone was making out while in their swimsuits. both girls were scared to be the first to say 'i love you' or even try to go farther in bed, scared and insecure. what if they said it but the other didn't feel the same way. what if they did 'it' and the other didn't like it? these thoughts didn't stop them though, they continued to be happy together. bella was getting a handle on the whole being queen thing and evie was doing her thing with fashion.

she had saved up money to buy her own little cottage in the forest so it could be her design studio. although bella kept trying to help evie, and by help we mean buy her everything she needed. evie explained how she wanted to do this on her own, no help or handouts. all by herself because she was confident. bella backed off and understood. she would be supportive by the sidelines and only jump in when evie needed her.

gosh these girls are so cute.

ben and carlos, bella and evie, were the 'it couples' as people liked to put it. everyone loved their relationships and supported them. bella was still scared that someone would commit a hate crime so she took it upon herself to make a law, a law she thought already existed. turns out it didn't, everyone just relied on everyone being nice and shit. so the new law stated that 'you cannot discriminate anyone based on their race, gender, or sexuality.' the people agreed and supported the law. everyone was nice to everyone, everyone supported each other. bella even helped auradon prep make a gsa, and they're hosting a pride parade soon. many kids began to come out as they saw their queen would accept them, soon auradon was full of love and acceptance. though there were a few assholes here and there.

life was magical, and it was about to get more magical for some. but things don't always stay happily every after do they?

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