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carlos' p

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carlos' p.o.v

jay and i, along with the girls, were walking to class when all the girls began to say hi to jay. sorry ladies, he's gay. i mean basically no kid on the isle is straight, everyone is something as no one really cares what you are. they just care about what you have.

"why do you torture them? you're not going to pick any of them to take to the cotillion anyways." i asked him. "i'm waiting for the right one." what the fuck does that mean. "and who might that be?" i asked.

"which ever boy cracks first. they're all dying to get a taste of all this, but they're too shy. temptation is killing them though." i doubt he's referring to the cotillion anymore.

"um jay, if you were gonna ask someone, what's the best way to go?" i asked stopping in my tracks. i wanted to ask ben, but i didn't know how to do it. "look all you gotta do is, look like me." woah so helpful.

"dude i'm being serious." i really wanted to ask ben but i am bad at romance, that's why he usually plans the dates. he's good at this romance stuff but now it's my turn. "sorry carlos, i'd take you but you're taken. i don't mess with other people's mans." is he being serious. "i'm not trying to ask you, you jackass. i wanna ask ben but i don't know how." he looked at me seriously but bursted out laughing. "dude he's your boyfriend, you're obviously gonna go with him." i rolled my eyes, he's not taking me serious.

"good luck man because here comes your mans." jay pushed me forwards as ben was approaching us. no not now, not here. i want it to be romantic.

"hey hot stuff, you okay there?" ben asked catching me as i almost tripped from jay pushing be forwards. bitch knew what he was doing... "yeah i'm fine, thanks."

"right, so i was wondering if you wanted to cut for the last two periods and go out." ben asked as he intertwined our hands as she began to walk. "i thought you said no more ditching. wait don't tell me, my bad boy style is rubbing off on you isn't it. yeah i have that affect on people." i joked but part of me was being serious, ben liked to ditch a lot to be with me. i love spending time with him but he needs to also get an education.

"yeah, but i'm still getting an education." what is he talking about, we don't study on our dates not even on our study dates. "i'm learning a lot about human anatomy." he whispered into my ear.  "no ben, you have to get a proper education. not one that involves you studying me." i don't want to be the reason he somehow fails school, i mean at least i find a way to get my grades up when i do ditch.

"look i promise this is the last time we'll ditch class. let's go out with a bang." i slapped his arm, "ben there are people around us." he just laughed and began dragging me towards the backside of the building in front of us. i'm surprised no teacher has caught us slipping away yet. gosh when did he become the bad boy and i the good guy.

once we were far from where anyone could see us ben decided to sweep me off my feet, literally, and began to carry me. "close your eyes." he instructed me. "oh no, is today the day you murder me?" i asked jokingly, though this was weird as he never really asked me to close my eyes while carrying me anywhere.

yes he carries me, he's taller than me so what did i expect.

"no, just close them. i'll tell you when to open them." ya know, for a bad boy he's really good at being romantic. i lost track of time because ben was walking forever. he's either slow or we're going somewhere far.

"okay, i'm going to put you down now." he told me, ah man i was getting used to this. "so you are going to murder me, i knew it was coming." i couldn't see but i could tell he rolled his eyes.

"and open them!" i did as told and it took me a bit to get adjusted to the light, especially the sun who decided to shine right in my eyes. once my eyes adjusted to the light i saw where we were. it was a nice clearing, dude was there with a sign, some flowers and a basket with candy.

wait dude with a sign? what did it say?
"cotillion would be pawfect with you." oh no, he's asking me to cotillion in a very cute and romantic way but i should be the one doing the asking.

"so what do you say?" ben asked as he went to grab a flower.


"no i mean yes! it's just, i wanted to ask you first. i wanted to set up something romantic and ask you, but you beat me to it." this was a sneak attack and it just made ben even more of a perfect boyfriend. "oh, well in that case we can just forget i asked you, and then you can ask me!" ben put the flower back and now i felt bad.

"no, no it's fine! i really like what you did here, it's so cute. just like you." ben smiled and came over to hug me. "great cause if you had said no, it would've been weird to show up without my boyfriend."

for the next two hours we sat there eating all the candy he got me and cracking jokes. a few kisses here and there, we weren't going to make out in front of dude so they were just small quick kisses. i still need to find a way to plan a romantic date for ben and i. i feel like if i don't do anything romantic he might lose interest in me and leave me for someone else. and i don't want to lose ben. i can't lose him, and i won't. i promise.

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