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third-person p

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third-person p.o.v

The vk's were able to get into the cafeteria after all the cooks had left. Carlos and Jay, with Dude too, were on one of the counters as Mal and Evie were getting the love-spelled cookie dough ready.

"Alright, it says, we still need one tear and I never cry." Mal was reading off of her spellbook. She thought back on the lessons her mother taught her, like teaching her to never be vulnerable. As you can see, Maleficent is certainly not mother of the year.

"Let's just chop up some onions." Carlos grabbed an onion from the basket next to him, who even keeps onions out in the open, they burn. "Nope, it says that we need one tear of human sadness. And this love potion does get the best reviews. So, we have to follow it exactly." Mal explained. Well, how was Carlos suppose to know that?

"A tears a tear." 

"That's not true Jay, they both have antibodies and enzymes. An emotional tear has more protein-based hormones than a reflex tear." Evie explained, well someone has been hitting the books, or maybe asking the magic mirror...

Carlos didn't quite understand everything Evie said but went along with it. Maybe if they didn't get a tear they wouldn't have the love potion. Ben wouldn't 'be in love'  with Mal, and then Carlos could actually have a shot. He had hope.

To be frank, Carlos didn't like this plan. He found himself taking a liking to Ben and the thought of him falling for Mal just didn't feel right. First of all, it wouldn't be real love. Second of all, why can't Ben fall in love with him. He would certainly enjoy it more than Mal. Plus, Ben doesn't deserve this, love potions make people do idiotic things.

While Carlos was lost in his thoughts, Lonnie came into the kitchen.

"There you are Mal! I was looking for you." She probably wants another spell to fix whatever feature she wanted fixed. Mal quickly covered her spellbook so Lonnie couldn't see what they were making.

"You know, all the girls want you to do their hair. Oh, midnight snack huh, what are you guys making?" she asked.

"Nothing special, just cookies," Mal answered which prompted Lonnie to stick her finger in the cookie dough and try some. 

"No, no, wait!" They all said and Lonnie froze like a deer caught in the headlights. "What? I'm not going to double-dip." She laughed as the others exchanged concerned expressions.

"Feel anything?"
"Yeah like, maybe it might be missing something?"

"It could use some chips," Lonnie responded. They all looked at each again, chips in cookies. sounded gross. They weren't aware meant Lonnie was referring to a different type of chips.

Lonnie walked over to one of the pantries and came back with chocolate chips, which made more sense.

"The most important food group," Lonnie said placing a bowl of chocolate chips on the table as they all looked at her curiously.

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