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mal's p

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mal's p.o.v

i was walking around before lunch ended when i heard people calling my name. i should've known better than to go for a walk alone... the clicking of cameras and people shouting was giving me a headache. it's times like these that i wish it was okay to throw spells at people and hope for the best. honestly it's been months since ben and i 'broke up', we weren't even actually dating. i never saw him as anything other than a friend, can't they drop it already?

"only three days till the royal cotillion, how do you feel now that you realize you'll never be a lady of the court?" one reported asked. i stared at them, i seriously wanted to give them the finger.

"how do you feel that prince ben left you for a guy, a guy who once was your best friend?" carlos is still one of my best friends? where do they get this false information?

"is your mother still a lizard?" yes, she's never going to learn how to love others so we don't have to worry about her any time soon.

"why haven't you taken responsibility for your mother arriving at the coronation? it was your doing!" i froze as soon as that sentence left the persons mouth. take responsibility for my mother's actions? what the actual fuck? i didn't even use the wand to open the barrier and set her free, but it's somehow my fault? okay that's it, if i'm not throwing spells i'm throwing punches.

"okay, all right, excuse me. that's enough please leave her alone." ben walked through the crowd to get to me as to protect me, though i'd rather show these people my fist.

"prince ben! did you think being gay meant you wouldn't be a good king?" ah more questions, ben better be ready to throw hands too.

"prince ben, what made you switch from girls to guys?" oh god.

"are you a top or a bottom?" why are grown adults asking a minor if he's a-? disgusting.

"why did you choose to be gay? why did you choose carlos de vil over mal?" how is ben so calm during all of this?? i could never.

"no, me being gay had nothing to do with whether or not i'd be a good king. i didn't switch, i have always liked guys it just took me a while to realize. i'm a minor, i think i'd rather not answer any sexual questions. no one chooses to be gay, you're just born that way." ben answered each question as fairy godmother arrived. props to him for not breaking any cameras.

"this is still a school so if you're here, you're either skipping or trespassing." fairy godmother got in front of us and began to shush the reporters. they all got quiet and slowly began to leave. are they scared of fairy godmother or do they just really respect her?

"i didn't need saving, but thank you. and hey, you probably saved so many cameras. i was like super ready to start throwing punches." we laughed as we walked inside. "glad to help a friend ya know." "what were you doing out there anyways?" i asked. "carlos and i couldn't find dude last night so we decided to split up after lunch to find him quicker." ben and carlos looking for dude yet again. when he should be around he's not, and when he shouldn't be around he is. weird dog.

"again? i'm starting to think he doesn't like you guys." ben let out a fake gasp as he stopped walking. "ma'am i am offended. our son is important to us, and- oh look there he is. i'll see you later mal." ben quickly spotted dude and ran after him before he ran away from him again.

i sighed as i realized lunch wasn't over yet, i guess i'll go see evie who's probably working on dresses for the girls. everyone seemed to be doing something fun and exciting except me. and or they were in relationship.

carlos and ben are a thing, evie and bella are thing, jay is busy being captain of different sports teams. and me? taking care of my lizard mom. i could join clubs but nothing interest me. i don't feel ready to be in a relationship, though there are so many cute girls and guys here.

i arrived to our dorm to find the door wide open and evie over working herself with making the dresses. these auradon girls better be paying her hella cash.

"hey e, need a hand?" i asked walking in. she turned around and dragged me inside shutting the door. what's going on?

"i've been texting you all day, you need to try on your dress so i can make any final adjustments!" she walked me over to the middle of the room and instructed me to undress. "i won't look and we don't have much time m, i have dozens of orders. my main priority is to make sure we look stunning for cotillion." evie said as she went to fetch my dress. i did as she told me and soon i was in a beautiful lavender dress, evie does not play around.

she was making adjustments to the dress as i looked in the mirror. i can't believe i turned my hair blonde just to fit in more. i look like a princess but i'm not. i'm a vk, i don't belong here. my friends do but i don't, or do i?

"evie, do you ever think about what we'd be doing if we were still back on the isle right now?" i asked her. she laughed and responded with a "that's funny." not the answer i was hoping for but what could i do about it. "look who's on tv." she said getting up and walking over to her table to write down whatever she had to write down. the tv was talking about evie's girlfriend, queen bella and look there i was, the reporters from a few minutes ago already put me on tv. great.

i walked over to my bed and grabbed my books, specifically my spell book. how i miss the days when people were scared of us, when we ruled the island. especially that time when audrey and her friends ran away from me scared shitless as i pulled out my spell book. oh how i miss those days.

"i know mal's secret to fitting in, and i don't think the mal from six months ago would agree with this. remember when you promised to be good and not use the spell book anymore?" evie walked over to me and reached for the spell book. she was right, after the coronation and my whole 'i wanna be good' speech, i promised i wouldn't use it anymore but here i am, wishing i could use it whenever i wanted too.

"well personally, as your best friend, i strongly believe that this spell book belongs in the museum along with my mirror." ah yes, evie's magic mirror was in the museum now. i still don't know why on earth she would give that up so easily, it really comes in handy when you most need it. like what if someone went missing, the mirror could tell us where they were.

"don't give me that face. put the pout away. you know i'm right." i gave her my famous pout and puppy eyes but she could see right through that. but she was right, like always.

"you don't ever miss running wild, and just breaking all the rules?" i asked her, though i shouldn't have as she tends to tower over us like mother.

"like stealing, and lying and fighting?" yes basically all the fun stuff. "yeah!" please say yes, please say yes.

"no!" please say sike, say sike right now. "why would we? m, come here," she dragged me out of bed and back to the center of the room.

"look at where we are. we're in auradon! and we're auradon girls now." i don't think i am.

"this is the land of opportunity. we can be whatever we want to be here." then why hasn't your girlfriend told the people you're her girlfriend?

"so let's just leave the past in the past, okay?"
i can try but no promises.

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