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mal's p

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mal's p.o.v

"who else knows about the crown and the scepter?" evie asked. after the meeting with the queen i came here to see her. i told her what happened, leaving out the whole 'i think we should close the barrier for good' that came from me.

"no one. i mean, think about it, people are scared enough as it is. they have to employ these entirely new security measures." i know i'm in no position to make orders but bella chose me as to be part of the decision making, even though she has the last word.

"will this deley our bringing over more vk's?" evie asked. "we're talking about closing the barrier for good." i told her. it wasn't true but it had to be an option. we just had to get through with bella. "but you were against that right? i mean, the four of us are living the dream here and we finally get to share that. i mean, what could be more important than that?" i don't have it in me to say it was my idea to close the barrier for good, maybe letting her believe it was ben or bella's idea was for the best. right?

"yeah, i know. i mean, maybe security. or maybe peace of mind for everyone in auradon." i sat down, i felt incredibly guilty and i thought i was going to fall down.

"is that what they're thinking? m, were they seriously thinking that no one will ever go in and out of the isle again? what, we never get to go back and see our parents? and what about these kids? we promised them that they could go back and visit whenever they wanted." evie got up, she was passionate about this topic. just like her girlfriend.

"yeah, i know. bella feels the same way but she thinks it's for the best." forgive me bella, but i just can't face telling evie. "i'll have to talk to bella then when i see her. m, i'm glad you're apart of these conversations. you can stand up for us vk's when we're not there to defend ourselves. thank you for telling me." evie hugged me and i felt like i just stabbed not only her and bella in the back, but myself too. and every vk.

evie went to the kitchen to get the stuff ready for jane's birthday party. fairy godmother asked us all to come, to make jane feel welcomed after what happened. we were against going but eventually agreed to do so. even after she wanted to kill me.

i had changed into a more fitting outfit for her party and walked outside to wait for my friends. suddenly, there was a ray of pink lighting hitting the ground near me, which was followed by a cloud of pink smoke. from that smoke came out audrey. she looked different. her hair and clothes were different, she looked hot not gonna lie. however, she was holding my mothers scepter and wearing the kings crown. that's a bad sign.

"i was hoping you were home." she said strutting towards me. i couldn't help but laugh. does everyone in auradon want to be evil? "is this a joke? what are you doing with the crown and the scepter?" i asked her. she looked from the scepter to me.

"well, i wanted them, so i took them. you of all people should understand that, mal." what on earth was she talking about? she got ready to use the scepter but i had to stop her.

"wait! audrey, stop! don't use that!" i placed jane's birthday gift on the ground and stepped forwards to take it away from her. "i thought you liked spells." she said with a smirk. what was she trying to get at? 

"okay, audrey-" "quiet!" she yelled turning around. "it's not a toy, it's dangerous!" i told her but she didn't care. "i want to be dangerous! my life was perfect until you stole it. and then auradon turned its back on me. it's time for a little payback." audrey began to walk away, i couldn't let her get away with the scepter. who knows what she'll do!

"audrey wait! look at me, i don't have your life! i don't have ben, i'm not the queen! come and talk to me, i can help you." my words meant nothing to her as she used the scepter to spell me.

"no one will love you now you old hag! you'll pay for what you did, so will all of auradon!" she turned me into an old hag. no this can't be. are you fucking serious? evie, jay, carlos and celia all had ran out as she got ready to leave.

"so long suckers." she walked away as pink smoke began to surround her and with the sound of thunder she was gone.

i turned to look at them, but i ended up scaring jay. "uh, you might wanna think of a spell for that." he said pointing at me. "there's no spell that can reverse the curse of the scepter." i informed him, well there was one thing.

"well that's a shame..." carlos said. oh no, audrey might come after him when he's not with us. i have to warn him.

"forget about me.  audrey's out for revenge, and all of auradon is in danger. i don't know who she's going after next, but carlos you'll be one of them. she's still mad about ben." it felt tiring to speak. is this what growing old will be like?

"what should we do?" evie asked holding me up as i could crumble down any minute. "the only thing more powerful than the scepter is hades ember." evie looked at me, she knew what this meant. we had to go see my father.

"oh like he's just gonna hand it over after you blew him back to the isle." jay shook his head. he knew we couldn't just get it that easily. "no one knows where his lair is." evie added.

"i do. i'm his errand rat. i've got the key at my dad's." celia informed us. "you're coming with us." i told her. "but i just got here." well it's not like we're going to leave her there either.

"mal?" i heard someone say my name. i turned to see who it was, and it was dizzy and the twins. i ended up scaring them as well. i'm not that scary looking, am i?

"dizzy, stay here to take care of the twins. we'll be right back and everything will be just fine. go inside." evie said to dizzy trying to calm her down. she obeyed and took the twins inside to calm them down.

"guys, go get your stuff. and you, let's get you into something more fabulous."

we got our bikes and were ready to leave when they arrived. uma, harry and gil arrived and began to question us. oh great.

"what the hell happened to her?" uma asked pointing at me. "we don't have time for this, we have to go." i swatted her finger away. she and i weren't on the best terms. we've been disagreeing a lot in the meetings, our old rivalry hasn't gone away just yet. and since she and i aren't on good terms, her two sidekicks weren't good with me.

"we're going back to the isle, to talk to hades." celia told her, girl i- 

"well why didn't you say so, we're coming with." i was about to object  but evie stopped me. "just let them come, they're not hurting anyone." i simply rolled my eyes and began to drive off. this day couldn't get any worse could it?

soon we were at the edge of auradon, this brought back memories of when i ran away and went back to the isle. seems like just yesterday i was having thoughts about going back to my wicked ways.

"noble steed, proud and fair, you shall take us anywhere." and off we were.

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