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mal's p

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mal's p.o.v

we all ran outside to greet the guys and so we can finally head out to find audrey. i'm in serious need of a nap and audrey is getting in the way of that oof.

"ben!" bella went to hug her brother since last time she saw him, he was a beast. i wonder, would audrey have turned her into a beast too if she ran into her? or would she just kill her and take the crown?

"you're not gonna run away from me this time are you?" ben asked as they pulled apart from the hug. "i mean, it's not like you're going to turn into a beast again. are you?" bella stepped back just incase, don't blame her. you know, i kinda wished i had a sibling. wonder what it would be like growing up with a brother or sister. would i have been a good sister or a bad one?

"carlos kissed him when he was like still a beast." gil said out of nowhere. ah, true loves kiss works every time. two times today actually.

"carlos you furry fucker." uma and i said at the same time. i looked over at uma and she just gave me this huge grin, i'm glad we were able to get over our little feud. after weeks of being at each other's throats when we could've been-

"oh shut up, so did you guys find any clues in audrey's dorm?" carlos asked, oh we are not letting the whole 'furry fucker' thing go. i loved teasing carlos, he was like a little brother to me. so were evie and jay, my main goal is to always protect them. i'm doing such a great job at that aren't i? haha, not at all.

"okay, so we all think that audrey could be at the fairy cottage. we have no idea where it is, did she take you there?" i turned to look at ben, i feel like she must've brought him there. it only makes sense.

"every fairy godmother's day. where is fairy godmother when you need here." even if fairy godmother was here, i doubt she can take down my mother scepter. if that who posses it has so much anger within them, it's practically unstoppable. that's why we have hades ember, the only thing stronger than my moms scepter. he is a god after all.

"most likely turned to stone like our parents." right because audrey didn't just put them to sleep, she had to go and turn people to stone. great. uma came over to me and linked her arm with mine, woah okay yes i'm totally okay not nervous at all.

"well, let's go fine this bitch and finally take her down. it's not too far from here is it?" she asked ben. woah i'm hungry and sleepy, we better take down audrey before i pass out and go to sleep like everyone else.

"i don't think so, but it's better we go now before it gets dark." with that we left, uma still holding my arm. yeah i love that for me.


not only was it a long walk but it got pretty dark soon. love that for us. we had to be quick and sneaky once we reached the cottage, if audrey was here then it's best we don't let her know we're here.

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