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evie's p

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evie's p.o.v

i can't believe i just let bella leave like that. i adore her but this is new territory for her. can she really defend herself like she claims she can? it's to late to go after her and stop her. now it was time to talk mal.

i looked over at jay who was climbing up to get to mal. monkey see monkey do i guess.

"if you guys hadn't brought him here in the first place this never would've happened. what where you thinking?" mal yelled at us. "he was gonna come here with or without us! we just wanted to protect him." mal shook her head.

"yeah and we completely blew it guys!" carlos stepped in, after being quite this whole time. i mean yeah his boyfriend just got kidnapped so i get why he would be quite.

"okay! okay! so, what are we gonna do?" jay asked, what could we do? "'we' are not doing anything. this is between uma and me, and she's a punk. and guess what, now i have to go get him." oh right, we forgot to tell her one minor detail.

"you can't." carlos said. "what do you mean i can't?" mal asked. "bella also came with us," jay mumbled. "they took her too?!" mal was ready to snap all our necks in half i could tell.

"no! she went after him. she told us to make sure you didn't go after uma, that she would handle things. she said that if uma wanted anything, she would want the wand. she also said to make any backup plans in case things go sideways." jay explained the situation to mal. she looked at me. oh fuck, never piss her off.

"you let this happen? you let the queen of auradon go off by herself in the isle of the lost? evie i expected better from you!" mal was scary when we was angry not gonna lie. "look i trust her okay! she's my girlfriend and i know her well, she said to work on a backup plan and that's what we're here to do! look mal, we came here for you and we're not leaving without you. no one is going to be left behind, not ben, not bella and not you." i've had about enough of her yelling at us. we're not her minions, we're her friends. we should be treated as such.

"so you said bella thinks uma wants the wand? makes sense. so what, we go and bring it to her?" mal asked. i couldn't tell if she was joking. "there's no way we're gonna give uma the wand. we can't just let her destroy auradon!" mal better not be serious. auradon is our home.

"uma doesn't get the wand, then ben and bella are toast." carlos repeated what we already  knew, he didn't want to lose ben and i didn't want to lose bella but we can't give her the wand.

"right, so we're gonna give uma, of all people, the wand." "do we have any other choice?" jay carlos and i began to argue when mal finally said stopped us.

"wait guys, your 3D printer!" mal pointed out. "a phony wand?" carlos asked. "and the second uma tests it, she'll know it's fake." does the  real wand even work here?  

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