I'll Always Be With You - Beomgyu

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"I am really tired...." Y/N sighed. "Why? What is wrong? Just one more round!" Beomgyu said as he shot the ball.

"Are you kidding me? We have been playing football for almost five hours! I am very tried, I won't play..." Y/N said as she lied down on the ground.

Beomgyu suddenly held his chest strongly and fell on his knees.

"I won't fall for your prank!" Y/N said as she turned around. "It hurts...." Beomgyu groaned.

"What is wrong? Are you okay?" Y/N asked as she walked over to Beomgyu and sat beside him. "Your chest have been like this for almost three months! We need to go and check it up in the hospital!" Y/N said.

"It's okay, maybe because I practiced hard in our comeback." Beomgyu smiled as he stood up. "Let's go and meet my members now!" Beomgyu said as he held Y/N's hand and ran toward the train station.

'' You are very late!'' Yeonjun said. "We are sorry!" Beomgyu said as he threw the bag of snacks to Kai.

"Will it be enough for all of us?" Kai asked. "How much do you eat anyway?" Y/N sighed.

The boys went upstairs to prepare the place for a nice movie marathon while Y/N was in the kitchen with Taehyun preparing the snacks.

"Taehyun is Beomgyu alright?" Y/N asked. "He is not cheating on you. He speaks about you 24/7 that is so annoying!" Taehyun said.

"I don't mean that, his health? Is it okay?" Y/N asked. "He have felt a little pain in his chest but he says it's because of the training. The choreography is really hard. Don't worry about him." Taehyun said. Y/N sighed.

Suddenly a loud crush was heard. Y/N and Taehyun ran outside to see what happened.

Yeonjun and Soobin were holding Beomgyu. "What happened?" Y/N asked as she ran toward her boyfriend. "I don't know, he held strongly into his chest and fell down." Yeonjun said.

"We will take him to the hospital. Wait here please." Soobin said.

 Y/N sat down crying and both the maknaes tried to calm her down. "It's okay, he will be fine." Kai said. "What if it is dangerous? I can't live without him...." Y/N cried.

After a while the older members called and Y/N went to the hosptal with Kai and Taehyun."How is his condition? Is it dangerous?" Y/N asked as she didn't see Beomgyu around.

"He is in the.... Intensive care." Yeonjun said."Why? What happened?" Y/N asked. The boys remained silent until the doctor spoke.

 "His heart is too weak and it's too late to fix it. We need a heart transplant." The doctor said.

Y/N tears spilled as all the members cried. "Is there a donor?" Y/N asked. The doctor sighed. "There is none. Anyway you need to go back. We will call you tomorrow." The doctor said and left.

"No.... I need to talk to him! He wanted to play soccer!" Y/N cried. "Y/N please don't make it hard...." Yeonjun said."Noona please calm down." Kai said.

 "I want him..." Y/N cried.

The members drove her home and promised to pick her up in the morning to visit Beomgyu.

TXT imagines, reactions, and one shots ❄Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora