Rainy day - Huening Kai

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''The weather will be sunny today, so no need to worry.'' The broadcaster on the weather station in the t.v said. You turned off the t.v as you smiled to yourself.

''It's a great weather to our date.'' Kai said, entering the house. ''Shall we get going now?'' Kai asked. ''Ya! wait, I have to get ready.'' You said as you ran to your room. ''Just don't take long time.'' Kai said as he sat down and played with his phone.

You wore a cute short (d/c) dress with your (h/s) hair down. You wore your high heels and applied natural make up. When you went down, Kai's eyes widened as a smile crept on his face. ''you look cute Jagi!'' Kai said as he placed his red lips on your soft ones.

''Let's get going.'' Kai said as he held your hand and walked out with you. You went to a nearby cafe. Both of you sat down.

''What do you want to eat?'' Kai asked. ''I would like (f/n), with some (d/n).'' You said. ''I will take the same.'' Kai said. He called for the maid and she came over. ''Oh Kai! it had been a long time since I saw you.'' The maid said smiling. ''Oh Mina! hi.'' Kai greeted. You looked at the both of them in confuse, you felt your heart burning.

''So what will you order?'' The maid asked. ''We'll have two (f/n) and two (d/n).'' Kai said. ''Right away!'' The maid said with a bright smile and left.

''So who was she?'' You asked Kai with a serious face. ''Don't worry Jagi, she's an old friend.'' Kai said. ''Old friend...'' You mumbled. The next moments were filled with silence. Kai would break it but you would respond with a ''hum'' or ''oh''

Soon the maid returned with two plates. ''Here you go!'' The maid said. ''Thanks Mina.'' Kai said. Mina only winked at him as she left.

Both of you started to eat when Kai suddenly said: ''Jagi! feed me!'' You looked down at Kai with confused looks, but you already knew that you can't stay mad at him. ''Fine big boy.'' You said as you started to feed him, not to forget the fact that there were some food pits on your lips, so Kai leaned in and licked them of your lips. Your checks were bright red. ''You look cute when you blush~'' Kai said in a teasing voice. You knew you loved him more than anything

When you finished, Kai stood up. ''I'll go and pay the check, wait here for me.'' Kai said and you nodded. You thought of how you reacted when you saw Mina, you felt very stupid.





A lot of time passed and Kai didn't come back. ''15 minutes have already passed, maybe I should go and check on him...' You thought to yourself. You grabbed your bag and stood up. When you went over to the cashier you got shocked of what you saw, but what you heard was more shocking...

You saw Kai sitting next to Mina, he was smiling and laughing with her. They were very close.

You started to approach them with a glare on your face but you stopped when you heard Kai saying something shattered your heart into pieces. ''I want this love, but I don't deserve it...'' You heard Kai saying. Were you cheap to him? were you just his toy? you didn't know how to react and let out an audible sob.

Kai noticed that you were there. You immediately turned around and went out of the cafe. Tears were already running down your eyes. ''Does he not love me anymore? does he love mina?!'' You asked yourself as you sobbed louder.

It started to rain heavily and that made you to struggle more with your already teary vision, you didn't know where you were going, but you wanted to run away, far away.

You didn't notice that you were in the middle if the street. A car was about to hit you when you felt a hand grabbing your wrist and pulling you away. When you looked up you saw Kai, he had tears threatening to fall down his eyes.

You pushed Kai away and started to walk, but he only pushed you into a tight hug. ''Jagi.... don't leave me, you misunderstood things!'' Kai said crying. ''Misunderstood things? yeah sure it's a misunderstanding when you want a love you don't deserve! stop toying around!'' You glared. Kai's eyes widened as his mouth opened from the shock.

''I was talking about you...'' Kai said. ''What?'' You asked in shock. ''I was telling Mina how lucky I was to find you, and how much more I want of your love, but I didn't think that a great person like you should've dated a person like me...'' Kai said.

You felt both shocked and embarrassed. ''Kai i am so sorry, I overreacted.'' You said as you kissed Kai on his checks.

He pulled you into a warm hug. ''y/n, did you feel jealous?'' Kai asked. ''No, let's get going, it's raining heavily!'' You said as the both of you noticed that you were wet from the heavy rain falling.

''Didn't they say that it won't rain?'' Kai complained. You laughed as you started to dance in circles. ''Kai let's dance in the rain!'' You said. Kai laughed and joined you.

''Kai...'' You called. ''Yes?''

''I love you Kai..'' You placed a kiss on his lips,

''I love you too.'' He said kissing you back... 

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