Enemies to lovers - Huening Kai

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''Shoot! I am late!'' You said as you rushed faster toward your school. Today was the first day of the new year of school, and you were already too late. You rushed faster and faster toward the school gate. You crashed into some crowd. ''What are all these girls doing?'' You asked yourself as you looked at the big crowd of girls in front of you. A popular guy? you didn't have any time for this nonsense so you ran toward your class. You already missed the headmaster speech.

The problem was.... you got lost in the hallways. The school was way too big, no one can blame you. As you were rushing through the halls, you crashed into someone. A boy, a very very handsome boy. This was a silent moment. It seemed like slow motion. You were about to fall but the boy caught you. No.... he only pushed you to avoid falling down with you. ''Look where you go next time.'' The boy said. You looked at him with shock, how dare he! ''Hey!!'' You called him as you stood up. ''What? are you one of the other fan girls?'' The boy asked. That's it. ''Why did you push me?'' You asked. ''I did?'' The boy acted innocent. ''....'' ''Did I do it like this?'' The boy said again as he pushed you. This time your bag was opened and all your books had fallen down. You looked more shocked.

''Don't miss with me.'' The boy said and continued walking. No. You won't let him go without giving him a proper lesson. You grabbed your heaviest book and threw it on his head. The boy turned around feeling furious. ''Did you just hit me?'' The boy held you from your collar. ''I did, so what?'' You said. The boy grabbed your hair and you grabbed his too. The both of you started fighting until you felt someone pulling the both of you away from each other. You looked up to see one of the teachers verrrrrrrryyyyy mad. ''This is not good.........'' ''What are the both of you doing?'' The teacher asked. ''Ask her!'' ''Ask him!'' The both of you said at the same time. ''Uhhhh...... just go to the headmaster office. NOW!'' The teacher said. The both of you nodded and went there.

You knocked on the door. ''You will regret this.'' The boy said. You only rolled your eyes as you continued knocking. ''Come in.'' The headmaster said. You entered to see Suho sitting in his desk. ''Wait, aren't you an idol?'' Kai asked. ''Things doesn't go as you want when you work under SM... anyway sit down. Why are you here?'' Suho said. The teacher entered behind the both of you and explained everything to Suho and then left. ''You know violence isn't the best solution? Can I have your names?'' Suho asked. ''Huening Kai.'' The boy said. ''y/n.'' You said. ''Alright....Kai and y/n this is your last chance. Now go to your class. And I hope that you will get along. Now shake each other hand and apologize.'' Suho said.

The both of you stood up. ''I am sorry.'' You apologized first and extended your hand. Kai only ignored it. ''Kai?'' Suho asked. ''I am sorry.'' Kai's apology seemed more like a sigh. He held your hand tightly to hurt you. ''That's good. Now both of you go to your class.'' Suho said. When you were out side his office Kai approached you. ''Listen, unfortunately we are studying in the same class. Don't tell anyone that I have talked to you. It would be a big shame for me!'' Kai said. You only sighed as you rolled your eyes. Kai held your collar. ''Did you hear me?'' Kai asked. You pushed him as you nodded your head.

-Time skip to break-

''He is so hot..'' Your friend said. ''Who?'' You asked. ''Look, there.'' You looked to were your friend was pointing. She was pointing at Kai who was surrounded by a group of girls. ''I prefer dating a monkey rather than dating him.'' You said. ''What! Why?'' Your friend asked. ''Just stop it already. I don't want to talk about it.'' You said and your friend nodded.

-Few days later-

''Okay so you must have heard about the upcoming project.'' The teacher said and everyone nodded. ''You must have already chose your partners but this time I will pair you up.'' The teacher said. Everyone sighed. She kept on calling every pair. ''And lastly. Kai and y/n.'' Every girl in the class turned around and glared at you. Kai stood up. ''Why her between all the girls?'' Kai asked. ''That's true. Can I switch with any other girl?'' You asked. ''No. Specially your pair was requested by the headmaster himself.'' The teacher said. Why SM?

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