His First love - Yeonjun

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Y/N sighed as she looked at all the boys in front of her. She walked elegantly as she took flowers from all the boys and threw them away. "I am too expensive for you anyway!" Y/N laughed.The alarm rang loudly and Y/N fell off the bed. She groaned in pain as she reached for the alarm to stop it. She stood up and looked at her bed. "Just a dream...." Y/N sighed.

She went to the bathroom and did her daily routine. She placed her hair in it's normal messy bun, wore her white long socks and wore her squared glasses. Y/N sighed as she looked at the mirror. "I am ugly......."

She walked to school with her head down, she never looked or even tried to speak to anyone. Students bumping into her and even sometimes pushing her around was normal. Y/N was pushed by a bunch of girls who were running and screaming, probably one of the handsome guys was there, the guys she would never be able to have.

Y/N minded her own business as she decided to go to the library to take some books.As Y/N was walking a guy running really quickly came and pushed Y/N, she was about to fall when someone caught her quickly. Y/N looked at the boy's face, he was so handsome. Her heart beat fast as she looked at his eyes. Y/N blushed deep red.

"Are you okay?" The boy asked. Y/N nodded as she smiled with a blush. "You look cute, by the way my name is Yeonjun." Yeonjun said. Y/N was about to reply until a bunch of fan girls swept her away. She ran far away with all the embarrassment she felt.

"Calm down Y/N stop!" Y/N said as she slapped her face. She recalled all what happened again. "You look cute by the way." Yeonjun's words were repeated over and over through Y/N's head, she smiled as she remembered Yeonjun.

Y/N walked inside the class and sat down, students were pointing and laughing at her, as usual. She opened a book to read until someone came and sat beside her. "Hi." Yeonjun said. Y/N eyes widened as she saw him. "Y/N... so this is your name? It is as beautiful as you!" Yeonjun said. Y/N blushed at his compliment, he was the first person to call her beautiful. "Thank you for what you did...." Y/N said with a shy tone. "Oh, it is not a problem, boys shouldn't misbehave when they are around a nice lady." Yeonjun said. He spoke for a while with Y/N, she felt a bit uncomfortable as most of his words were pick up lines.

Y/N was about to stand up and go to the rooftop where she can be alone but Yeonjun held her hand. "Where are you going?" Yeonjun asked. "Um.... the rooftop?" Y/N said. "This is very romantic let's go there together." Yeonjun said as he pulled Y/N. All the girls were shooked.It continued on like this for weeks as Y/N and Yeonjun got closer, he even walked her home everyday. He would sent her sweat messages and compliment her. She was sure the she absolutely loved Yeonjun.

The school day ended and Y/N was ready to go home. As she was passing she heard some girls gossiping. "Did you see Y/N with Yeonjun? ewww he must want to die now." A girl said. "But he flirted with her a lot! Does he love her?" Another girl asked, all the girls gasped. "Don't be fool, he is the most handsome guy in the school, he won't fall in love with such a girl, he must be messing with her, you know guys are like this." One girl said and all the others laughed.Y/N felt a stab in her heart. She thought that Yeonjun was a different and nice person. She fought with herself to prevent tears. "Y/N!" Yeonjun said with his normal cheerful tone, what a fake person. "Let's go home." Yeonjun said. Y/N walked without saying anything.

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