"Fio? Hurry up we need to leave." Marshall called from the campsite, his tone was neither annoyed nor rushed. I think he’s just as excited as me to go home. He hasn’t touched his axe bass in all this time and I think it was starting to get to him.

I jumped into my shorts and shimmied on my top, quickly bundling my pjs into a wad. "I'm coming!" I yelled back, sprinting to the campsite and quickly packing away my things.

Marsh gave me a fleeting smirk as I readied myself, giving him a playful glare in return. My heart crumpled slightly as I internally sighed. This challenge will be over soon. It’s just another petty month.

"Ready to see your Gumwad?" He continued, picking up his things and slinging them over his shoulder. He stretched quicky before beginning to walk ahead of me.

"Huh, no, but I can't wait to see my sister. Oh, and the babies!" I squealed, walking behind him and then up beside him.

Marshall chuckled slightly. "I can't wait to get my bass out again." He sighed, a small smile tugging at his lips. I grinned at his longing enthusiasm. If I didn’t know any better I would say he missed Hambo too, but it’s obvious he’s been ‘secretly’ carrying it with him this whole trip. He hid it in his backpack, yes, but sometimes I would catch glimpses of the small patched up bear-thing. I never said anything to him about this, though. I didn’t have the need to. I understood. I found it endearing how much he’s attached to that old stuffed animal, wishing sometimes that I too had something valuable like that, filled with so many memories.

"Uh, Fionna?"

I quickly looked up, startled out of my thoughts. "Yeah?" I chirped.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah,” I chuckled, “why?” My voice was in a ‘duh’ sort of tone.

“You’re smiling like an idiot over there. It’s kinda freaky.” he raised an eyebrow, a smirk gracing his features.

“Oh, I can’t be happy?” I joked, giving him a playful glare and happy sigh.


“Just shut up.” I smiled, pushing his shoulder and letting out a small laugh.

We paused to eat lunch but even then all we could talk about was home. Diner time came and instead of eating while walking, we decided to sit and rest. We were almost to the kingdom, anyway.

I sat down on a tree stump while Marshall pulled out our food. I sat my backpack against my leg and stretched my aching muscles. As if on cue, the pink crystal hummed and forced me to allow the call. Gumball's face sprouted from the gem, giving me mixed emotions about seeing him again. That was the one of the things I was dreading about going back.

The other was the fact Magic Woman could easily betray our deal and put me under some kind of spell anyway. If anything went wrong, I would be an easy target if I stayed in Aaa. The thought of leaving had crossed my mind several times, yes. Maybe I could just never go back home, have Marshall tell everyone I died in some sort of accident. It could work. Still though, I would never be able to see what little family I had left ever again. I couldn’t possibly do that.

"My GPS shows you two are extremely close to home!" Gumball excitedly spoke, making a small smile appear on my face. Wait GPS? He was tracking us this whole time? How did I not know about this? What else did he have?

"Yeah, I'm really excited. I can't wait to go back to the treehouse and see Cake and t-"

"Go to the treehouse?" Gumball chuckled, disregarding Marshall's figure behind me. "Fionna, you have to stay at the castle until the spaceship is finished. If not, Magic Woman could easily harm you."

Adventures In AAA With Fionna and Marshall Lee [original]Where stories live. Discover now