Happy Birthday, Babe

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I stirred awake from the clattering sound of Marshall gathering his things. After a minute or two of internal grunting, I forced myself fully awake, pushing myself up from the ground and taking in the beautiful scenery around us. The fresh air blew gently across my face, just enough to be peaceful.

My stomach churned suddenly, making my vision slightly blurry as I began to grow dizzy. I groaned and managed to hold down a gag, rubbing my temples for relief.

Since the switchback, I had begun to feel drained both physically and mentally. Not only that, but it felt as if I had a stomach bug and my face was constantly flushed. But, everyday tasks were now becoming simpler and I was once again adjusted to the soothing beat of my heart.

"Fi?" Marshall asked, his back facing me as I watched him pack our remaining food into his bag.

"Mm?" I grumbled, rubbing the sleep away from my eyes.

"You aren't considering-" he stopped packing for a moment, standing straight and still as he spoke. "considering marrying Gumwad are you?" He asked, resuming his packing. I was silent as my eyes stayed glued to his figure, his voice echoing through my head.

The lilac colored case that Gumball's ring (the ring that could be mine) was held in was beautiful by itself. The sharp looking ring was gorgeous, glowing in any direction it moved. I knew that Cake would most definitely approve of Gumball, or at least I thought. My sister would be so excited; planning the wedding, making my dress, baking the cake.

My dress would be beautiful, a lon-

"Fionna?" Marshall snapped, now turning to look at me. "So I take your silence as a yes, then."

"What?" I asked, looking at him slightly flustered. "Wait no, I'm not going to marry Gumball." I laughed but I knew it came off sounding a little forced. I kept repeating my words from before to myself:

Gumball is disgusting. Gumball hurt me. It wouldn't be fun being a princess. I'm not that kind of girl. He's sick.

Marshall stared back at me as the bag he was holding clomped to the ground. I watched as his eyes changed into a deep brown color, almost black.

"So how are you feeling? Any better? Are you still sick?" I asked Marshall, trying to avoid his gaze and change the subject. I looked down at the ground, pretending to be suddenly amused by a blade of grass.

He paused a moment and I could feel his cold gaze on me. "Fionna I don't think you should get married right now." he blurted out, completely avoiding my questions.

I sighed and laid back down, looking up at the sky. Tons of glittering white clouds filled the blue color but off in the distance many clouds had begun to turn gray. "I think it'll rain today." I stated, avoiding his words. I knew if we kept talking about this, it would soon turn into a fight. I didn't want that, not at all. I knew he was still looking at me, trying to figure me out. He wanted to make sure I understood what he meant, that I shouldn't get married, but I already understood. I didn't look back at him and focused my full attention on my now torn up blade of grass and a few ants who were wandering around by my foot.

The situation reminds me too much of our argument over Flame Prince. We were both so worked up, both of us always thinking we're right. I don't want him to leave again, I knew that. I don't want him to disappear. I don't want him to leave me.

Gumball would treat me like a princess, though. Cake, her babies, and Lord M would be able to live in the castle together with me, something that wasn't possible to do now. I sighed, rolling over to face Marshall whose eyes were filled with something I didn't know, and whose hands were filled with his crumpled bags.. I couldn't avoid looking at him now and I knew for a fact he would want to talk about this sooner or later.

Adventures In AAA With Fionna and Marshall Lee [original]Where stories live. Discover now