Are You Blind?

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I wasn’t scared. The feeling was more like that of being caught stealing cookies you were told not to eat, or sneaking out of the treehouse when you thought everyone was asleep. 

I watched as carefully polished shoes clacked their way into the disorderly room which housed Magic Woman, for the time being. The door slid shut behind the man who I recognized almost immediately to be Gumball. 

Of course it would be just our luck. 

“Why are you here? Have you made progress with the rocket?” Magic Woman huffed, glancing down in my direction before leading Gumball to the couches a few feet to my right. My eyes didn’t follow them as they moved as I opted to stay still and just listen. 

“That’s not what I’ve come to talk about.” Gumball answered, “Fionna isn’t in her room. Have an idea as where she might be?” 

“Are you suggesting something? That’s quite bold for someone in your position.” Laughed Magic Woman. I furrowed my eyebrows and closed my eyes in thought. Magic Woman was usually so improper but the way she was talking now? It was like she was royalty herself.

That, or someone just full of themselves.


Gumball scoffed into the silence. A creak followed the sound, which I assumed him to be standing up from the couch. I opened my eyes as the thud of his shoes echoed throughout the room once again. 

Marshall must have moved in his invisible form because now, the front of the bed was blocked by a pair of nicely polished shoes. I unintentionally sucked in a breath, holding it as I watched the feet turn into knees and knees into a torso, until finally I was face to face with a pink-haired prince. 

I could feel Cake clinging to my back, her claws embedding themselves in my back, an action that was sure to cause a small amount of blood loss. She couldn’t help it though, just as I couldn’t help but stop breathing. 

Gumball looked from my eyes to my lips to somewhere behind me before finally scoffing and standing back up. 

“What exactly do you think you’re doing? It’s rude to look through a woman’s things, you brat.” 

“Don’t talk to me like a child. I thought I saw something under there.”

“I don’t care for your reasons. Leave now. I want a report on the rocketship at the end of the day. Remember, if it isn’t completed in three months I’ll have to take your half of the deal.” Magic Woman taunted, shooing Gumball out with her hands before locking the door behind him once he was gone. 

I stared in confusing at the space which, just a few seconds ago, was occupied with the man who has the power to keep me locked away. I could always rebel, yes, but then where would I go? 

I couldn’t bring myself to move, even after I felt Cake remove her claws from me and begin giving me a massage. Even when I could see Marshall’s shoes appear I couldn’t roll out from under the bed. 

I was desperately confused. 

“Boo.” Marshall joked, his head hanging down from the bed so that he was able to meet my gaze while laying on top of it. His black locks became even more disorderly, some even flopping down in front of his eyes, though it didn’t seem to bother him in the least. 

He really was gorgeous. 

“Fi, hide and seek’s over now. Come on.” he smirked, pushing his hand down and barely reaching me. He wiggled his fingers in an attempt to touch me but almost ended up falling off of the bed instead. 

Adventures In AAA With Fionna and Marshall Lee [original]Where stories live. Discover now