Eighteen (십팔) - Epilogue

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Nari rolled over in bed and stared at the ceiling, too excited to go to sleep just yet. Only half an hour and she would be 18. Her heartbeat sounded in her ears as her mind raced with the endless possibilities that would soon be within her grasp. 18. She had been waiting for this day for so long.

But not all of her thoughts were positive. In less than a year, she wouldn't be here and neither would they. Disbandment had been on the boy's minds for a while and now that meetings to discuss contracts were marked on the calendar, they were in mutual agreement: It was time for BTS to go their separate ways. Nari wasn't sad about the disbandment, they worked hard throughout these 12 years and deserved to retire, but it hurt her heart to know that her life here would never be the same.

Very slowly, Nari's door opened. But she wasn't scared. This was normal. "Namjoon?" She whispered, "Is that you?"

"Maybe." The boy opened the door a little wider, stepping into the room, "You wanna go for a drive?"

"Yes please."


Nari gripped the handle above the passenger side window and prayed that the roads leading up to the mountain would be quiet. After all these years, Namjoon finally got his license...although he still couldn't parallel park. And he wasn't a very good at it in general. She begged him to let her drive since they both knew where they were going, but he insisted that he could do it. Besides, Nari didn't have the heart to tell him no when he offered to do something nice for her.

"You can let go of the handle," Namjoon said as they jolted to a sudden halt at a stop sign, "I'm not that bad."

The girl shook her head, silently thanking the inventor of the seatbelt, "No thanks. I'll keep holding on to the bitch bar."

"Hey! Bitch bar?!" He exclaimed, "Where did you learn that?"

"Oh you know, just on the internet," Nari shrugged, "It's not a big deal-Dude! You missed the turn!"

Namjoon sighed and pulled off of the road, doing a probably illegal U-turn in what looked like someone's front lawn. His companion shook her head, "This is why I said that I should drive. I don't mind, I promise."

"I am not letting you drive on your birthday!" The boy repeated himself for the umpteenth time that day, "It's 23:52, let me do one last thing for you before you turn 18. Please."

"Alright, you win," She smiled, "But only because I love you, old man."

"That's mean! I'm not that old!" Namjoon protested as he finally pulled into their usual parking spot on the base of the mountain, "I swear you turned 15 and then became a little rebel. It was Jungkook, wasn't it? He's always been the troublemaker. It's been a whole year already and I can't believe he signed for that lip ring."

Nari laughed and got out in the parking lot, she loved the feeling of the cold metal against her tongue, "I thought you liked it! You said it was cute."

"It is cute!" The boy defended himself while he locked the car, "I just wish that you would have waited until you were a little older, that's all. We could have done it all at once, you know? Tattoo and piercings."

She shook her head playfully and gently pulled his hand as they headed towards the familiar path, "Come on. It's almost midnight."

Namjoon smiled and followed her up the mountain. Throughout the years his love for the girl had only increased. Being able to watch Nari grow up was the greatest gift of all and every day his tattoo reminded him just how lucky he was. In just five years so much had changed, but he knew that their connection never would.

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