Galaxies (은하계)

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"Shhhhh." Namjoon whispered as he gently opened the door to the studio with Jimin and Taehyung peeking over his shoulder, "I think they're sleeping." He turned the knob for the lighting just high enough so that they could see the outline of two slumbering figures on the floor; Nari on the right, Suga on the left.

Jimin let out a small sigh, "They look so cute."

"I know, right?" Taehyung agreed, "It looks like their day went well. Jimin. Switch me days, I want to have my day with Nari first."

"Hell no!" Jimin exclaimed and gave him a playful push.

The younger boy shoved him back, "Dude! Can't you just be nice to me for once?!"

"Be careful," Namjoon sternly warned the two of them as they roughhoused, "You'll wake them up."

Not surprisingly, Taehyung and Jimin didn't listen to their older bandmate and a particularly strong push caused them to bump into the dial that controlled the lighting; making it turn all the way up. Seconds later, a drowsy 11 year old girl sat up and yawned, wondering how the outside world got so bright and why she had to wake up so soon.

"See! She's awake now!" The boy with the bleached hair reprimanded his noisy companions, "Apologize."

Taehyung and Jimin bowed, "Sorry, Nari." They said in unison.

"Now go help Jin with dinner before Suga wakes up too. You don't want to be here when that happens, do you?"

Jimin shook his head, "No sir." He answered exuberantly and pulled on Taehyung's arm, "C'mon, Tae. Let's go before Namjoon makes us clean the bathrooms too."

"Is Yoongi really that scary when he wakes up?" Nari whispered and tiptoed over to the doorway as the two other boys scampered up the stairs.

"Only if you're annoying." Namjoon replied, "But he is especially grumpy on his days off. We even call him Motionless Min because he's so tired all the time. So, did you two do anything besides sleep today?"

Nari nodded, "Uh-huh. Yoongi made omurice in the morning and then he showed me the stars."

"The stars?"

"Yeah. The stars." She repeated and reached for the dial on the wall, "The lights are on so you can't see them." The girl turned the lights down so that the room was almost pitch black again, but the brilliant dots didn't reappear. She frowned, "Aw. I guess they gave out."

"It's okay." Namjoon assured her, "I'm sure they'll come back." He still didn't know exactly what she was talking about, but whatever they were, they made her happy. Maybe he'd ask Suga about it later.

A groan was heard from the pile of blankets on the floor and then a thud, making Nari let out a slight giggle. It looks like the green haired boy is awake.

"Mm?" He rolled over, "What time is it? Five more minutes."

"It's almost dinnertime, tired boy." Namjoon said and walked over to Suga on the floor, nudging him with his toe, "You know that Jin is gonna be upset if you don't eat."

Nari knelt down next to them, "Yoongi, what happened to the stars? They aren't here anymore."

"The stars are made out of glowsticks." The still sleepy boy reminded her, "Glowsticks fade away." He smiled, "But we can always put them back up. Actually, do you want to show them to the rest of the guys? After dinner maybe?"

"Yeah!" The girl grinned, "I'd like that!"

"It's time for dinner!" J-Hope yelled from upstairs, "C'mon guys, the soup is getting cold!"

Suga gestured towards the door, "Go ahead, Nari. We'll meet you there."

She nodded and eagerly headed upstairs. Namjoon turned to the boy beside him, "So, I take it that your day went well?"

"Definitely." Suga agreed, "You chose a good kid." He paused, "Why did you take so long to tell us, Joon?"

"When I first met Nari she was covered in bruises," The taller boy said quietly, "I honestly don't even know how she could even move, she was in such bad shape, but she when she cried that day it was because of me. God, she was in so much pain, she had so many things to cry over, but me leaving hurt more than any of them. As I held her, I knew that had to be the last time we would ever need to say goodbye." He managed a sad smile, "You know I love you guys and all that, but it was just...too personal I guess. I needed time."

Suga nodded sympathetically and stood up, "I understand. Nari is really special and I'm glad that you two found eachother."


Nari thought the faux stars in the studio looked pretty before, but somehow they looked even better now that everyone was here together. The boys flicked the glowing powder at eachother and to her the stardust looked like it was flying. She'd wished on plenty of leaves before, but never a shooting star. This would be the first.

"This was a really good idea!" Jungkook exclaimed as he sat next to Nari while catching his breath, "It's pretty, isn't it?"

The girl nodded, "Uh huh. Really pretty."

"You know, I've seen stars all over the world, but these ones are probably my favorite." He leaned back on to the pillows behind him, "Have you ever been out of the country, Nari?"

"Nope." She shook her head, "I've lived in Seoul all my life."

Jungkook smiled, "Well, in that case, I can't wait for you to see the world with us."

"I'm tired!" Jimin complained and collapsed on the mattress next to Jungkook, "We've got choreography practice tomorrow. Well, most of us." He elbowed the younger boy next to him, "You're so lucky. I have to wait for three whole days. I don't know how I'm going to survive!"

"Well, you better survive because I don't get to spend time with Nari until two days after you." Namjoon said and plopped down alongside them, "If I can survive, so can you."

"Hey! Why are we all over here?" Taehyung bounced over to the small group on the other side of the room, "Come on guys, enjoy the stars!"

Jin sighed and clapped his bandmate on the back, "You're the only one that has any energy left."

"Yeah," Suga added, "We're all tired. I want to go to sleep."

"You always want to sleep." He whined, "C'mon guys, let's go a little while longer."

J-Hope yawned, "Nah bro, I think it's time to sleep. Give us a chance to rest, especially the kid." He quickly gave her a pat on the head, "It's the Maknae day tomorrow. You'll have a lot of fun with Jungkook, wontcha Nari?"

The girl nodded shyly and scooted closer to Namjoon, who was on her left. He smiled and tossed her a blanket, "Rest up, darling."

"Hey, why don't we all sleep down here?" Suga suggested, "That way we can all, like, bond or whatever."

So after a few arguments over sleeping arrangements and the dragging of mattresses down the stairs, the practice room was all set up as a temporary bedroom. Nari felt a little awkward. They were all so close. She'd never been this close to anyone before.

"Alright guys, the alarm for tomorrow has been set." Jin announced, "Time to say goodnight."

"Goodnight Nari." Namjoon whispered and gently touched the girl's hand from his position on her left side, "Let me know if you need anything, okay?"

She nodded and gave a small smile, "I will. Goodnight, Namjoon."


hi how are nyall doing? I'm rewatching hunter x hunter with my brother I love u killua

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