Smile (미소)

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Nari stood shyly next to the boys' manager as she watched the camera crew set up for the photoshoot. It was at the most beautiful park that she had ever seen. The grass was green, flowers of all different colors bloomed nearby, and there was even a small pond. Sunlight streamed through the trees overhead, causing a small smile to poke at the corners of her lips. Even the outfit that the designers picked out matched the pleasant atmosphere. A white shirt with small strawberry designs paired with a light pink checkered skirt and shoes made Nari feel like she fit right in.

However, the most intriguing thing to her was the playground, but this playground was way different than the one Nari grew up on. This playground was warm and inviting with brightly colored structures that looked brand new. She wondered if they were going to take pictures there. She hoped so.

"Nari! You look so cute!" J-Hope exclaimed as he came out of the dressing area. He placed his hand on her head, "Isn't this place beautiful? I love it."

The girl nodded, "Uh huh. Me too." Butterflies started to congregate in the bottom of her stomach. Since the boys were getting done that must mean they'll be starting soon.

"Hey, don't be nervous." J-Hope said reassuringly, sensing her anxiety, "This is gonna be fun! It's like a whole day just about us! Everything is going to be okay."

"Alright everyone, here's how this is going to work." The director of the photoshoot explained as soon as all the boys were outside, "First we're going to take a set of Nari with a couple of you guys at a time, a set of just her, and finally a set of all of you together. We'll interview as we shoot. Is that okay?"

Suga raised his hand, "It's all good with me, but I call going first. And Jin is coming with us."

"Aw come on," Jimin complained, "Can he really do that? Is that fair?"

"Probably not." Suga shrugged as he took Nari's hands and tugged her along with him, "But I'm not letting you guys take the spot we picked out."

Nari followed behind Suga and Jin as they determinedly led her to their spot, amid the complaining of the other boys. She smiled as soon as she saw that it was the meadow of wildflowers. Somehow she knew that they were going to pick that.

"Isn't it pretty?" Suga said wistfully and sat down, gently pulling her with him, "I didn't want any of the other boys to get to it before me."

Jin sat beside them, "I'm so glad that Suga asked me to shoot with him. This place is so beautiful."

"I love it." Nari said and then continued shyly, "Can I pick some for you?"

Jin nodded excitedly, "Of course! We can even ask the crew to save them so we can put them in a vase in the house."

"I want some too!" Suga exclaimed, "I love flowers."

"Hello!" An unfamiliar female voice said, interrupting them from their flower picking endeavors, "I'm Sora, and I'll be your photographer for today." She gestured to a young a man with a tape recorder at his side, "and this is Ha-nuel, your interviewer."

"It's a pleasure to meet you. Is this spot okay?" Suga smiled and waved.

Ha-nuel nodded, "It's great, actually." He turned to Nari with a knowing wink, "Do you want to continue picking some flowers? The boys will have to close their eyes though, they're not allowed to peek. It's gotta be a surprise."

"Okay." Nari smiled as she picked a few brightly colored flowers. Ha-nuel's easygoing personality made her feel calm. Today is going to be fun.

"Alright miss Nari," Ha-nuel said cheerfully, "Let's get started! What's your favorite thing about Suga?"

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