Generous (풍부한)

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Nari leaned against the trunk of her beloved tree and looked up at the patches of blue sky she could see through the leaves. She wouldn't miss this place at all. Not one bit. But for some reason, she felt reluctant to leave. As soon as she walked out those gates something completely new would begin. She knew nothing about the outside world and how to live in it. Everything familiar and comfortable existed in this playground and the building before it, and she hated that fact because it was the truth.

But she had Namjoon now, and during these past few weeks she'd missed him much more than what she was willing to admit. This orphanage was never where she belonged, and even though Nari didn't quite know where she was going, she knew that it was somewhere that would truly feel like home.

"Hey there."

A tall figure entered the courtyard, causing Nari to jolt in surprise, but her face soon melted into a big grin once she recognized who the voice belonged to, "Namjoon!" She eagerly ran over to greet him and laughed as he playfully picked her up and spun her around like she was a small child, "I missed you!"

"I missed you too," Namjoon replied lovingly before putting her down, "My darling, are you ready to go home?"

"Nari!" J-Hope called from the gate, "Hi! I'm so happy to see you!"

The girl smiled widely and looked to Namjoon for permission to greet the other boy. He nodded and gave her shoulder an encouraging nudge, "Go ahead. He's been asking about you."

And with that, she eagerly trotted over to the gate, "Hobi," Nari said shyly, "J-Hope. You said I was your hope."

"You remember me!" The dark-haired boy exclaimed and grabbed her hands excitedly, "You are my hope, Nari. Don't forget that, okay?"

"Stop hogging all the affection! It's my turn!" Taehyung shoved the older boy aside and waved to the girl, "Hi! Do you remember me too?"

Nari nodded, "Uh huh. You're Taehyung."

"That's right!" He gave her a bright grin, "I'm your big brother Tae. I'm so excited that you're finally coming home!"

"Is everyone else inside?" Namjoon asked, appearing beside them.

"Yeah," J-Hope answered, "Actually, we should probably go help. There's still a lot more to do."

"Help?" Nari looked to the tallest boy for an explanation. He just smiled and gently took her hand, leading her inside the building where they were greeted by a sea of backpacks in every color of the rainbow. Her eyes widened as she managed to speak, "So many. So many backpacks."

Namjoon smiled, "Well, I saw the condition yours was in, so I thought that it would be nice to give everyone an upgrade. They're filled with pencils, snacks, markers, drawing paper, little things like that." He picked up a red one at his feet and read the name tag, "Let's deliver this one ourselves, okay? This is for Mi-Yung."

"Oh, she was one of my roommates," The girl said, "Here, I'll show you." Nari led him up a couple flights of stairs and into a room that didn't seem like it changed at all since Namjoon's last visit. The walls were still bare and the cots had the same thin sheets. Another boy was there as well, who waved to them.

"My name is Jungkook," He bowed politely, "It's very nice to meet you again. I'm looking forward to being your big brother, little Nari."

Before she could respond, a different boy slammed open the door and excitedly introduced himself, "Hi! I'm Jimin!" His chocolate colored bangs flopped over his eyes playfully and he gave her a big smile, "Nari, I'm so happy to see you again!"

"It's nice to see the both of you as well," She blushed and managed a quick bow, not quite used to all of the attention, "T-Thank you for coming."

"Of course!" Jimin replied, "We want to help you, sweetheart. Now, which bed is yours? I bet you're glad to get out of here. All seven of us had to share a room when we were trainees and it really sucked."

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