Home? (집?)

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Having been in co-ed orphanages since she was born, Nari thought she knew everything about boys. How they talked, walked, and argued, among other things. She really thought she knew it all. However, there was one crucial part that had been completely missing from her arsenal of knowledge until now.

How much they ate

Even though the waiter had brought what seemed like a surplus of food not less than 15 minutes ago, all seven of the young men in front of her had eaten it all (with the except of the three grilled mushrooms and two pieces of short steak that Nari had grabbed for herself). Jin wasn't exaggerating when he told her at the snack booth earlier in the day that her share of the food really would be eaten if it wasn't protected.

"Hey Nari," Namjoon nudged her shoulder from his position on her right, "We're gonna order some more. Do you want anything?"

She shook her head, "No, I'm good. Thanks for asking though."

"Oh yeah!" Taehyung spoke up, "Nari, how was the market? I wish I could have gone. There's always so much to see. Did you get any of the good street food?"

"Uh huh. We got some octopus and spicy rice cakes." The girl said, "Oh, and those swirly potato things."

"Potato Tornadoes!" J-Hope exclaimed, "Those are the best!"

Jin laughed, "You should have seen her, she was so adorable. Her eyes got all wide and when I got it for her and she had no idea how to eat it! It was the cutest thing ever-"

"It wasn't cute!" Nari suddenly interjected, her cheeks turning redder by the second, "It was too tall and I was confused."

"Yeah, Jinny. The kid said it wasn't cute." Jimin playfully swatted his elder companion over the head with a napkin, "Wouldja stop mocking the girl? I think you've done enough damage already."

Jin lunged for the napkin, "You got soy sauce in my hair! Don't be a douche!"

"Language," Namjoon sternly reminded them, making Nari smile in his effort to preserve her innocence.

"It's okay. I know what bad words are." She said to the boy beside her while holding back a giggle.

"Well, you don't need to hear them!" He proclaimed and shot a dirty look at the rest of the boys at the table, "Is that clear, everyone?"

Suga rolled his eyes, "Come on, Namjoon. She's a middle schooler, she's not going to die if she hears the word fu-"

"Fudge!" Taehyung announced as he slammed his hand over the older boy's mouth, the best way he knew how to correct the situation, "Suga meant fudge," He clarified to Nari as he released his hold on Suga, "We made some fudge at home and we were trying to keep it a surprise, but someone ruined it."

The girl couldn't help but laugh, Taehyung was a horrible liar, "Okay, fudge," She agreed, "I'm excited to have some then."

"Me too!" The boy exclaimed and then stood up from the table, "Sorry, I need to leave early. Jin forgot something at the grocery store this week and I need to get it. It's important."

"And what is it, if I may ask?" Suga challenged.

"Um. Cereal?"


"Welcome to your new home!" Taehyung sang loudly and twirled in the door to the dorm, striking a ridiculous pose in the center of the hallway that caused a giggle to escape Nari's mouth. He grinned, "I win! I'm the first one to make her laugh. I am a joy to this household."

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