Art (미술)

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Nari took a deep breath and opened her eyes. She rolled on her back to face the ceiling above. The girl reached her hand to the sky, trying to grasp the stars of last night. Everything about it was so beautiful. Going back to reality would be such a letdown.

"Hey kiddo, whatcha doing?"

Startled by the noise, Nari sat up. Jin was at the doorway and motioned for her to come over to where he was. The girl stood up and carefully maneuvered her way around sleeping young men, including Jimin who had somehow rolled all the way off his mattress during the night.

"Wanna help me make breakfast?" The older boy whispered as soon as she was at his side, "I was going to wake up one of the other boys, but you're here anyway and I wanted to spend some more time with you."

Nari nodded shyly, "Okay. What are we going to be making?"

"American food!" He said triumphantly, "Waffles and bacon and cinnamon rolls."

"That sounds really good." She replied.

Jin smiled, "Oh it is, trust me." He headed off towards the kitchen, "Follow me kiddo, I'll get you suited up."


"Oh my god she looks adorable!" Taehyung squealed as soon as he came upstairs. He whipped out his phone, "Nari look here and smile!"

The girl managed a shy but genuine smile as she looked to the camera. Cooking with Jin had been a lot of fun. He was a good teacher who always encouraged her to work with him, not just stand on the sidelines and watch. However, what Taehyung was oogling about was that Jin had insisted that Nari borrow one of his aprons while they cooked...and what fit him most definitely didn't fit her.

"You're so cute!" Jungkook said and flashed a wide grin as he sat down at the table, "Be careful not to trip though. That is an awfully long apron."

Nari nodded and turned to Jin, "Is it okay if I take it off now?"

"Yeah sure, we're just about finished anyway." He added one final waffle to the pile and set the dish on the table, "Eat up, everyone. We'll need it." Jin handed Nari a plate, "Go ahead, kiddo. The best part about cooking is enjoying what you make with the people you love."


Jungkook gently helped the girl out of the car, and the two walked in comfortable silence to their mystery destination. Nari wondered what he had planned for today. Unlike the rest of the boys, Jungkook was quieter and more reserved. Their personalities were alike in that way.

They stopped in front of a large building. Jungkook opened the door for the girl and spoke shyly, "Namjoon said you liked books. I thought that maybe you would like it if we spent some time here, the biggest bookstore in Seoul."

Nari's eyes opened wide in awe as she stood in the doorway. Everywhere she looked there were books. They lined shelf after shelf as far as the eye could see. There were even balconies and an escalator to go up to another floor.

"This is so much bigger than the library at the orphanage." The girl mumbled excitedly, "I love it so much. Thank you, Jungkook."

"Really? You like it?" A wide smile spread across his face, "Then let's go!"

Nari meandered around the store, making sure that Jungkook stayed close behind her. She ran her fingers across the spines of the books and inhaled deeply. There's something about books that would always feel comfortable to her. At the orphanage there was a small library, if a few shelves of dusty beaten up books could be called that. In fact, by the time she was 9 she had read every single book in that room. When the outside world got too lonely, Nari could always count on the world of fiction and fantasy to complete her.

Ten Million Fireflies (Adopted by BTS)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon