Missing You (네가 그리워)

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"We'll see you guys soon!" Taehyung waved goodbye to Nari and Namjoon as they parted ways at the airport, "Tell your parents I said hello."

"Yeah!" Jungkook shouted after him, "And say hi to your sister for me!"

Namjoon rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, Jungkook. And thanks, Tae. I will." He turned to the girl beside him, "Ready?"

"Yes," Nari nodded, "How far away is your parent's house?"

"It's not too far, half an hour maybe." Sensing the girl's growing anxiety, he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, "Don't worry, darling. My family is really nice. You'll like them a lot. Besides, not to brag or anything, but I have the cutest dog in the entire world."

She managed a nervous smile and followed him to the car. The ride over was pretty quiet but neither of them minded. With all the craziness of the week before, it was nice to finally have a little silence. Nari leaned against Namjoon's shoulder and took a deep breath. Meeting new people always made her at least a little nervous.

"So Nari, how did you like America?" The boy asked, "Was it everything you hoped it would be?"

"Yes." The girl answered without skipping a beat, "I loved it so much. Can we go back soon?"

Namjoon laughed, "We'll see, darling. I'm glad that you had fun though. Are you and Iris going to stay in touch?"

Nari nodded, thinking about her conversation with Suga a few days ago, "Uh huh." She swallowed the lump in her throat, "Namjoon, can I tell you something?"

"Of course." He replied with a concerned glance, "Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing is wrong," The girl assured him, "I just thought you should know that I think I kind of have a crush on Iris. That's all. Sorry."

"Awe, don't apologize, sweet lily," Namjoon answered softly and pulled her into a hug, "You can date whoever you want and I'll always love you the same. We all will." He smiled, "Thank you for trusting me, darling. I love you so much."

She let out a deep breath before pulling away, "You're welcome, Namjoon. I love you too."

The car came to a gradual stop in front of a pretty normal looking house in the suburbs. Namjoon helped the girl out of the car and placed a quick kiss on the top of her head, "Don't worry, my Nari. I promise that they'll love you just as much as I do."

As they walked up the driveway, the door to the house opened and a white fluffy dog wearing a striped sweater shot out like a bullet. The boy grinned and kneeled down to accept the pup in his arms, "Rapmon! I missed you so much!"

Nari smiled and gently stroked the dog's soft fur, "Rapmon, you said?"

"Rapmon!" Namjoon repeated and covered the dog's head in little kisses, "Isn't he just the cutest?"

"Joon?" A middle aged woman stood in front of them and Namjoon instantly jumped up to greet her.

"Mom! I've missed you!" He wrapped her in a tight hug, "I'm so happy to see you."

She returned his embrace, "Joon, I'm so proud of you. I miss you so much." She pulled away and turned to the girl at his side, "And you must be Nari."

"Yeah! This is Nari!" Namjoon eagerly introduced the shy girl, "Nari, this is my mom."

"I'm so happy to finally meet you," The woman smiled and held out her hand, "Joon talks about you so much. Welcome to the family, sweetie."

Nari bashfully accepted her handshake, "It's nice to meet you too."

When they went inside, she was introduced to the two other members of the family: Namjoon's father and sister, who both accepted her warmly and made the girl feel right at home. They all sat down at the table in the living room to catch up while Nari was left to explore the rest of the house with Rapmon at her side.

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