Flutter (실룩 거리다)

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"Naaaaaari!" The girl heard a familiar voice calling from outside her hotel room, "Lovely, please let me innnn!"

She smiled and opened the door to find Suga in a tank top and gym shorts, his permed chocolate colored hair damp with sweat. He grinned, "You ready for Stranger Things?"

"Yes!" Nari nodded and then scrunched up her nose, "But take a shower. You kinda stink, Suga."

"You're so mean," The boy teased her, entering the room and then flinging open the door that connected to his own, "Namjoon! Get off your damn phone and help me look for my towel!"

She giggled and twirled onto the bed, picking up her own phone. It had been hours but she still couldn't get that girl out of her head. Nari internally kicked herself for not asking for any social media. There are over 8 million people in New York City, which meant that according to statistics it was unlikely that she would see her again by chance. This sucked.

A new notification popped up on the girl's phone screen. She opened her newly created Twitter account and saw that someone had mentioned her in a tweet, someone with the username irisbts. Sure enough, the first tweet on the page was the picture taken hours before at the skating rink. Nari immediately liked the post and clicked the follow button. Moments later, she got a new DM.

hi! this is iris from ice skating, i just wanted to say thank you again for taking the time to take a picture with me. it means a lot ^_^

Nari could feel her face turning red again and the butterflies swarming in her stomach. She'd never felt this way about anyone before. The girl thought back to her conversation with Taehyung a few days ago, the one about love. Is this what this could be? It was definitely wasn't the same thing that she felt for Namjoon and Suga or any of the other boys, but it wasn't purely platonic like her feelings for Minsun or any other people she could consider a friend. This was different. But different in such a good way! A way that her feel so happy and fuzzy inside unlike any other.

Her thoughts circled back to Namjoon and Chelsea, who had been "official" since Christmas. Because of their schedules, it was sometimes a little difficult for them to go on dates, however, they were practically inseparable when they were together. Nari smiled as she remembered the a few weeks ago when she had stepped into Namjoon's room to say goodnight, they were cuddled up on his bed with a bottle of red wine between them and music playing softly from a record player in the corner. His head laid comfortably in the woman's lap as she gently ran her fingers through his short hair. Nari didn't think that she'd ever seen a more tender expression on his face as he blew her a kiss goodnight from his bed that evening.

Is that what I want? The girl asked herself, Do I want Iris to be my Chelsea? Nari's face flushed as she pictured holding Iris's hand under the table, like Namjoon and Chelsea often did, and leaning against eachother while watching a movie. The fuzzy feeling spread throughout her entire body until the girl felt as if she was floating on air.

I want that, Nari finally decided, I want to go on dates with Iris, I want to be close to her, and I want to be her girlfriend. I want what Namjoon and Chelsea have. I want to love Iris.

Suddenly, a dark cloud filled her mind. What's going to happen to me in Korea? She pondered, If I like girls, how am I supposed to live? Gay marriage isn't legal and there's not very many people who even support it in general. I'll have to hide this part of myself. I won't be able to love like everyone else.

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