Getting Better (좋아지다)

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"It's movie night!" J-Hope announced excitedly as he took the dishes from the dinner table, "Come on guys! I know that it was a busy day, but we can't forget about movie night!"

Namjoon shook his head, "Sorry, but count me out on this one. I've got a lot to do."

"But movie night!" Nari repeated and tugged on the boy's sleeve, "You never skip movie night."

"I know, darling, but I have a lot of paperwork to do. I'll make it up to you, I promise." Namjoon kissed the top of her head as he left the table and headed upstairs.

The girl shot a concerned glance at the rest of the boys, "Is he okay? Did I do something wrong?"

"Don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong," Jin assured her, "He's just had a bit of a rough day. Sometimes Namjoon needs a little alone time. But hey, you've still got the rest of us!"

Nari nodded, "You're right! So what kind of movie should we watch? Can we watch a scary movie? I've never seen one of those."

"No way." Jin shook his head rapidly, "No scary movies. None. I will not watch a horror movie."

"Aw, come on Jin. Just one?" Jungkook argued, "She's like eleven and never seen a scary movie. Let the kid live for once."

"Ugh, fine." Jin finally relented and ruffled the girl's hair, "We can watch a horror movie but only if you cuddle with me, Nari."

"Yay!" She cheered

Suga cleared his throat, "Guys are you sure that Namjoon would be okay with this?"

"It'll be fine," J-Hope said, "We'll just pick one that's not super scary, like more of a suspense movie." He scooped the girl up in his arms and spun her around, almost knocking over the pile of plates on the counter.

Nari clung on for dear life while she giggled, "Hobi! Be careful!"

"Yeah man!" Taehyung agreed from the sink where he was washing dishes, "If you knock anything over I will make you clean this entire kitchen."

"Okay, okay," J-Hope sulked and carried the girl to the living room, good-naturedly dumping her on the couch, "Jungkook, you get in here too! Help us choose a movie." He plopped down next to Nari and scrolled through his phone, "How about The Shining?"

Jungkook nodded enthusiastically and sat next to them on the couch, "That's a great movie. Let's watch it."

"What's it about?"

"Basically this writer takes a job to be caretaker at this big hotel over the winter so he moves his whole family up there," Jungkook explained, "But he slowly goes insane and a bunch of bad stuff happens. It's so good, you'll love it."

"Hey! You forgot the conditions of this deal!" Jin reminded them and squeezed between the girl and Jungkook on the couch, "I get to cuddle with Nari."

The girl leaned into his frame and smiled. Everything was okay again and she felt safe, but something was still off. Her eyes traveled to the empty spot on the couch. Namjoon should be there. Doubt and anxiety clawed at her mind, he's never skipped movie night before. Nari couldn't help but think that she did something wrong.

"Hey, ready kiddo?" Jin nudged her shoulder, "The movie is about to start."

Nari nodded, "Yep!" She turned her attention to the TV with unanswered questions still ringing in her mind.


The girl yawned as the credits rolled, "That was a good movie."

"I hated it." Jin replied stately, "Hated all of it. I really don't like horror movies and that definitely wasn't an exception."

"You are such a wimp," Jimin teased him, "All you did was cling to Nari the whole time. Not even Suga was that bad."

The boy in question shrugged, "Yeah man, that was kind of wimpy."

"You all suck!" Jin pouted, "I'm going to bed. Nari, where would you like to sleep tonight?"

Nari bit her lip. She wanted to say Namjoon and Taehyung's room, but with the way that the older boy was acting she didn't want to risk being annoying. "Wherever, I guess." She finally said with a half hearted shrug.

"How about our room?" Suga offered.

Nari nodded, "Okay. Can I say goodnight to Namjoon first?"

"Not before me!" Taehyung exclaimed, "I need to give my princess her goodnight hugs."

So after hugging each of the boys and saying her goodnights, the girl headed upstairs. She paused in front of the door to Namjoon and Taehyung's room. Nari desperately hoped that she wasn't being annoying as she knocked on the door before stepping into the bedroom.

"Hey, Namjoon?"

The boy smiled and stood up from the desk he was sitting at and smiled, "What is it, Nari?"

"I just wanted to say goodnight." She wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug, "I hope you feel better soon. Movie night wasn't the same without you "

Namjoon affectionately returned the girl's hug and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, "I know, I know, darling. I'll make it up to you." He cleared a piece of hair away from her face, "Every day you amaze me, Nari. I love you."

"I love you more."

"Don't you start that," The boy chuckled, "We'll be here for hours if you do. Where are you staying tonight?"

Nari let go, "In Jin and Suga's room. I figured that you and Tae should get to sleep in your own beds for once."

"That's very kind of you." He smiled and patted her head, "You should get to bed. I'll take you somewhere fun tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay. Goodnight Namjoon." The girl smiled as she skipped out of the room, bumping into Suga at the door and wishing him sweet dreams as well before continuing on her way.

Suga stepped into the room and closed the door behind him, "Hey. Are you okay?"

"I'm alright." Namjoon responded and closed the book that was lying open on the desk, "It's just...hard I guess."

"Yeah, I know. It's hard for all of us." The other boy sympathized, "What have you been doing up here? We missed you during movie night."

Namjoon paused for a moment, "Well, I cried for a while. But then I thought about what Dr. Kang said, about how Nari won't be able to recover unless I'm willing to help her." He gestured to his laptop and the books on the desk, "So I've been researching recovering from childhood trauma. I want her to get better and I'm going to do whatever I can to make sure that happens."

"Nari is lucky to have you." Suga said softly, "That girl loves you so much and I know that out of all of us, you're the one that's going to get her through this."


hi yall so the next chapter is one that's really important to me so im gonna publish it now pls enjoy i luv u all

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