Dirt (더러운)

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"Please? Just one more story?" Nari begged Suga as he closed the book, "Pleeease?"

Suga shook his head, "Lovely, you need to go to sleep. It's not healthy to stay up all night." He sat at the edge of the bed, "Are you afraid to sleep because of your nightmares?"

"A little," The girl admitted, "But I'm not even tired yet. I can't go to sleep if I'm not tired."

"Alright, alright," Suga chuckled, "How about if you read to me? Will that make you tired enough to go to bed?"

Nari paused before nodding, "Okay. I can do that."

The boy handed her the tired copy of The Catcher In The Rye that he was holding and helped her out of the covers, "Just sit at the foot of my bed while I turn off the lights, I'll be right there." He turned off the main lights, but kept a lamp near his bedside on so that the girl could still read. Suga crawled under the familiar blankets and smiled as he watched Nari skim through the pages of the book.

"Got it!" She said triumphantly, "I know what I want to read."

Suga nodded, "Good. Just remember to turn off the lamp when you're done, okay? And you promise that you'll go to sleep as soon as you start feeling tired?"


"Okay, good." He yawned and closed his eyes, "Goodnight, Nari. I love you."

"Goodnight. I love you too, Shu-ger."

Nari opened the book and began to read, but found herself getting tired after several chapters just like Suga said would happen. Reading to other people is hard work. How does he read for hours and not immediately take a nap?

She turned the lamp light off and shivered as the room turned completely dark. Jin's bed is on the whole other side of the room. Nari didn't want to stumble through the darkness so she decided to just stay with Suga for tonight. Besides, she knew that he wouldn't mind. He loved her.

The girl grabbed a fleece blanket at the edge of his bed and wrapped herself in it as she curled into a ball. Suga's soft breath and occasional mumbles echoed through the mattress. He and Taehyung both talked in their sleep. She didn't know if they knew it, but decided that some secrets were better kept to the darkness.

And with that, Nari finally closed her eyes and prayed for an uneventful slumber.


Unfortunately, her prayers remained unanswered, and she woke up crying for second night in a row.

"Nari?" Suga's gentle voice soothed her ears, "It's okay, it's okay."

She threw herself into his arms and clung tightly to his shirt as tears streamed down her face, "W-What is wrong with me?"

"Nothing is wrong with you, lovely," The boy softly said as he held her, "Nothing at all."

"Then why does this keep happening to me?!" Nari sobbed, "What happened to me? Why can't I stop dreaming about this?" Her voice cracked with desperation, "Suga, what did I do?"

Suga tightened his hug and gently kissed her on the top of the head. He couldn't stand seeing her in pain like this. Dr. Kang told them not to tell her anything, but it was her life. She deserved to know. Besides, he wasn't sure how much more he could handle without breaking down himself.

"I'm sorry, Nari. I can't keep this from you any longer," He whispered and tenderly cupped his hands around her face as he wiped her tears away, "Someone did hurt you. They hurt you really badly."

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