Genuine (성실한)

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"Nari, you should show us around!" Taehyung suggested, "It's been a long time since I've been in a school."

The girl nodded, "Okay! I want a piggyback ride though."

"Of course!" He knelt down, allowing her to hop eagerly on his back, "You tell me where to go, princess, and I'll take you there."

Suga stood up hastily, "Yeah, I want to come too!" He looked over to the tallest member of the group, "You coming?"

"I think I should help clean up," Namjoon shook his head, "We only have half an hour until we have to leave and I would feel bad if we left this place a mess when they essentially closed down the whole school for us." He walked over to the small girl on Taehyung's back and gently placed the silver tiara on her head, which she had taken off earlier for safekeeping, "Don't take too long, darling, or we won't have time for goodbyes."

Nari smiled and rested her head comfortably on the blue haired boy's shoulder, "We'll be back soon. You don't have to worry at all."

The trio excitedly headed out the door to begin their 20 minute long adventure, making Namjoon chuckle. She would never know how happy she made them. He turned to the librarian beside him, who was already picking up paper plates and cupcake wrappers, "Thank you for watching out for Nari," The boy said to her, "She's been having a really hard time adjusting back to public school, and it means a lot to me that you let your room be her safe space. Thank you."

"It's okay, I don't need thanks," She brushed off the compliment, "Nari is a sweet girl. I'm glad that she's here, although I can tell that she'd much rather be with you. She talks about you guys all the time."

"She talks about you too."

"Really?" The woman laughed as she grabbed a piece of polka dotted wrapping paper, "I didn't think that I had that much of an impact."

Namjoon paused, "Nari's special like that. She chooses her people and when she does, she doesn't let go," He smiled and offered his hand, "You know, I don't think we ever properly met. I'm Kim Namjoon."

"Chelsea Bradley," She eagerly accepted his handshake, "It's nice to meet you."

"You aren't from Korea, are you?"

The librarian shook her head, "No, I'm from America. Massachusetts, if you want to get into the specifics. My parents run a little touristy shop in Boston. I moved to Korea 4 years ago as an English teacher but I'm a librarian here. I do teach English at a cram school though."

"Your Korean is very good," Namjoon complimented and switched into her native language, "Would it be easier if we talked in English then?"

"A little bit, yes," Chelsea breathed a sigh of relief and did the same, "It's been a while since I've had a good conversation in English. Thank you, Mr. Kim."

He laughed self consciously, "There's no need for that. You can just call me Namjoon."

"Alright, Namjoon," She agreed, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure. Go ahead."

Chelsea looked him in the eye, "Being an idol, is it really all that it's cracked up to be? I've always thought that you guys were living the best lives possible, but when I talk to Nari it seems like it's almost more trouble than it's worth." Her voice became quieter, "I see the way those kids treat her. They don't care about who she really is, they just want to get closer to you."

"Well, it's complicated," Namjoon admitted, "I love being able to make music and I love knowing that the art I create makes other people happy. I have gotten to meet so many incredible people due to BTS's success and I'll always be grateful for that. I'm glad that I make good money too because now I'll never have to worry about the welfare of my family, and I can use the money I've earned to help other people who are less fortunate than me. Charity is actually one of my favorite parts of the job, I really do love helping others."

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