Cast (캐스트)

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Nari placed her head in her hands on top of the light blue bedsheets as she watched the rabbit wash herself with her little paws. After helping Namjoon and Taehyung set up the cage and fence in a small enclosure in her room, Nari spent almost three hours researching rabbit care. She wanted to be the best parent that she could to the new member of her unique little family. Sonia hopped over to the girl and sniffed her face, making Nari smile as the whiskers tickled her cheeks.

Unfortunately, his rare moment of peace was short lived as the girl head rapid footsteps outside of her room.

"A bunny?! You got a bunny?!!" J-Hope gushed excitedly as he slammed open the door, "You can't just call me and say you got a bunny! Lemme see! Lemme see!"

"Shh, you scared her," Nari whispered and cuddled the animal close, hoping to ease the rabbit's pounding heartbeat, "Her name is Sonia."

J-Hope knelt down to her eye level and gently stroked the bunny in the girl's arms, "Sorry, sorry." He whispered, "She's so cute, I love her." The boy cleared his throat, "Hey Nari, I know we aren't close like you are with Namjoon and Suga, but I still care about you a lot. You can talk to me about anything and I'll be there to listen. If you're sad, I'll be by your side until you feel okay again."

Nari smiled, "I know, Hobi. Thank you."

"Have I ever told you why I chose J-Hope as my stage name?" He climbed on to the bed and sat beside the girl with his legs crossed, "I chose it because I want to inspire people to have hope. I want them to know that even in their darkest hours, there's someone that believes in them. I give them hope and they give me hope, we help eachother."

J-Hope took a deep breath, "Nari, I don't know exactly what happened to you, but I just want you to know that I'm always here for you." He laughed awkwardly, "Sorry, I'm not very good with words like you are, but I care a whole lot and that will never change.

"It's okay," Nari assured him and put Sonia away in her cage, "I know what you mean." She wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug, "You are my hope, Hobi."

The boy eagerly accepted her embrace, "Come see me if you're feeling down, okay? You know, we don't even have to talk if you don't want to. We can just cuddle or read or listen to music, whatever makes you feel better. I'll help you."

"Thank you, Hobi." She whispered and left a gentle kiss on his cheek, making him blush with pride.

J-Hope didn't often show his serious and emotional side, but out of all the boys, he cared much more than what he led them to believe. His love was special in the way that it couldn't be fully expressed through words. From hugs, to kisses, to gifts, or a random picture of something pretty with the caption "this made me think of you", J-Hope showed his affection in small ways. Putting together the little pieces of his love language always made Nari smile and she knew that he'd be there for her.

"I love you so much, Nari-bun," The boy said softly before letting go, "Now how about we go downstairs and get some dinner?"

"Sounds good." Nari got up to leave but J-Hope playfully blocked the doorway.

"But first, you gotta show me your best smile." He insisted, "I won't know that you're okay until you do."

The girl good naturedly rolled her eyes and managed a small smile.

"Not good enough! I wanna see all of those teeth!"

Nari laughed and grinned widely until she could feel her cheeks burn. J-Hope slid aside and held her hand tightly.

"Much better," He said and offered a smile of his own as he gently placed a kiss on her head, "Now that's the Nari I never want to lose."


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