Lily (백합)

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"I'm sorry that my day seems kind of lame compared to everyone else." Namjoon sheepishly smiled, "But I wanted to take you to a place that always makes me feel better. It's in Dduksum. There's a beautiful view of the river."

"It's okay, I don't think it's lame." Nari replied, "Besides, I really like nature."

"There's also something else that I think we should do tonight," Namjoon handed Nari his phone with a website pulled up on it, "There's a firefly festival that starts as soon as the sun sets. I think it would be fun for all of us to go."

She nodded, "Yeah, that does look fun. Let's do it."

Although the train was exciting a couple days ago, Nari just wanted to sleep. They left soon after dinner and the motion of the train combined with her full stomach made everything seem like it was moving too fast. She let out a big yawn as the fluid movement slowly cleared her head. Namjoon had said that the trip was going to take almost an hour, right? So maybe he wouldn't mind if she closed her eyes for a bit.

"You getting sleepy, darling?" Namjoon said, causing Nari to open her eyes in surprise and manage a small nod. The boy smiled, "We won't be there for a little while, so you can sleep if you'd like to."

The girl closed her eyes, subconsciously resting her head on her older companion's shoulder. She wondered what made this place that he was going to show her so special. She wondered if it was anything like her tree at the orphanage.

Namjoon protectively put his arm around his delicate companion and placed a light kiss on her nose, making a soft smile form from the girl's lips.

Love can heal all wounds, He told himself, especially the ones that can't be seen. We'll be the ones, I'll be the one, to help you heal.


"Whoa, it's so pretty." Nari gasped as the pair stopped at a clearing on the mountain, leaving a spectacular view of the world below.

Namjoon chuckled, "I know, right? I knew you'd like it."

She cautiously wandered out to the edge to get a better look. The rest of the world seemed so small, like it could fit in the palm of her hand. Trains made their way across the town like slithering snakes and the collage of rooftops seemed to go on forever. Of course, there was a breathtaking view of the Han river. Nothing could make today any better than this, Nari decided.

"This is my favorite place in the whole world." Namjoon said and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, "When I'm sad or upset I always come here and my troubles seem to melt away." He looked up to the slowly setting sky and managed to crack a small smile, "I've never showed anyone this place before, but out of all the people in the world, I know that you would understand why it's so special." Namjoon looked Nari in the eye, "Can I ask you a question? Are you happy with us?"

Nari nodded enthusiastically, "Of course I am! I'm really happy." She paused, remembering back to the conversation she had with Suga a few days ago, "And for the first time in my life I think I feel......loved."

"I'm so glad to hear you say that." Namjoon grinned and sat down, "Sit, Nari. I want to talk to you about something."

The girl sat down next to him, "I have some things I want to say too, so can I go first?" She took a deep breath, "Namjoon, why did you choose me?"

"Well, it's kind of abstract." The boy admitted, "I've met a lot of people in my life and sometimes there are those special few that touch your heart in a way that you can't describe." Namjoon smiled softly and drew the girl closer to him, placing a supportive arm around her shoulders, "You were so little, Nari, and there were these bruises all over you; like you'd break from the slightest touch."

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