Growing Pains (고통 스러움)

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"Are you sure we have to say goodbye?" Nari shyly looked up at Iris as they stood outside the cab with raindrops dotting their faces, "Can you come back to Korea with us?"

"I wish I could," Iris smiled sadly and wrapped her in a hug, "but my parents would never let that happen. Besides, I don't know Korean."

Nari looked up at them and spoke excitedly, "Don't worry, I'll teach you!"

"Darling, we can't take them with us," Namjoon laughed, "I don't think that it's legal, Nari."

"It's alright," Iris said and let go, but not before sneaking a kiss on the girl's cheek, "I'll miss you though. Thank you for letting me hang out with you guys. It really means a lot to me."

Namjoon gave them a quick hug, "You're very welcome, Iris. It's been a pleasure to get to know you. Keep in touch, okay?"

"I will." They promised, "And Chelsea, it was nice to meet you too. You and Namjoon are super cute together."

"Awe, I know," Chelsea waved goodbye, "I hope we see eachother soon."

Nari squeezed their hand one last time before they got into the cab, "I'll miss you, Iris."

"I'll miss you too, Nari."

Suga placed a supportive hand on the girl's shoulder as they watched the taxi pull away, "It'll be okay, lovely. You've always got me." He shot a dirty look at the tall boy next to him, "Namjoon threw me out of our room for the next couple nights, do you mind if I crash with you?"

"Of course not," Nari answered immediately, "You're welcome anytime, Shu-ger."

After saying goodnight to the rest of the members, they headed to their hotel suite. Suga grabbed a couple bags from his room and gave one final message before leaving, "Namjoon. At least try to be quiet. Thanks." He slammed the connecting door shut and lazily fell back on to one of the beds in Nari's room, "Alright love, how are you feeling?"

"Sad." The girl immediately responded and plopped down alongside him, "I don't know if I'll ever see Iris again."

"You little pessimist," He teased, "You'll see them soon, don't worry. We can always fly them out to Korea for a little while." The boy sat up and smiled mischievously, "So. Are you guys dating or what?"

Nari blushed, "I don't know. We um," She stuttered, "uh, maybe kissed. Maybe."

"Really?!" Suga playfully shook her shoulders, "That's awesome! Look at you, growing up so fast. I'm such a proud brother." He pulled her into a loving embrace, "It's our last free night in New York, tomorrow we won't get back until early the next morning. Let's spend it the right way: Watching a movie, since we don't have any good books right now."

"Can we watch The Lady and The Tramp?" She asked, eagerly snuggling into his frame. Suga was the best for cuddling. His soft and squishy body supported her in all the right ways, never failing to relax her busy mind.

"Sure, lovely." The boy answered, "Anything you want, Nari."

"Hey Suga?"


"Do you think Namjoon and Chelsea are gonna get married?"

Suga stopped scrolling through Netflix, slightly surprised by her question, "I'm not sure. What is it, Nari? Are you worried that you won't be the most important girl in his life anymore?"

"No, no, it's nothing like that!" Nari laughed, remembering the sleepy conversation she had with the younger boy a few nights prior, "I've just been thinking a lot about that kind of love lately, that's all. Namjoon and I talked a little while ago about the future, like when BTS is over. Shu-ger, what are you going to do when that happens?"

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