Peace, Love, Unity (평화, 사랑, 단일성)

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"Can I hang out with Iris?" Nari asked the tall boy laying beside her on the bed, "Please? They're the only friend my age that I've ever had and I really really want to see them again."

"Hm? Iris?" Namjoon replied and looked up from his phone, "You mean the kid from yesterday at the skating rink? I don't know, darling. I don't want you going out with someone that we barely know, especially since we have a concert tonight."

"Please?" The girl begged, using the voice that she knew was irresistible to the boys, "I didn't get to talk to them at the interview this morning even though they were standing at the barrier. We're only going to be in New York for three more days and then I'll never be able to see them again."

Suga spoke up from the other side of the room, "You should let them, Joon. Iris can come to the hotel and hang out with us for a while so that way they can see eachother and you won't have to worry."

"Yeah! That's a great idea!" Nari responded excitedly, "Come on Namjoon, please? We'll be good! I promise!"

"I guess that's okay," Namjoon tentatively agreed, "But they can only stay for 2 hours. Ask Iris for their address and I'll have security pick them up and bring them here."

She grinned widely and wrapped him in a quick hug, "I love you!"

"I love you more," The boy replied with a chuckle, "You know, we were getting on Tae earlier for spoiling you, but now that I think about it, I'm not better at all. You really do have all of us wrapped around your finger." He placed a loving kiss on her head, "Not that I'm complaining, though. You deserve it all and nothing less."


Nari paced restlessly in the hotel room, filled with a mixture of anxiety and pure euphoria. She barely had time to say hi after the interview in the morning but spent all her spare time engaged in twitter DMs. In just a short amount of time Nari learned so much; from their favorite color (green), to their biggest fear (drowning), and and everything inbetween. She had never felt so happy to get to know someone. Iris's bright smile replayed over and over in the girl's mind and Nari decided then and there that she would do anything to see it.

A short knock sounded and the door to the hotel room opened to reveal just the person that she was hoping to see. Iris smiled, "Hey Nari!"

"Hi!" Like always, her cheeks flushed bright red. They looked just as cute as before with their pastel hair and colorful beaded bracelets.

"Welcome!" Namjoon greeted them, "It's good to see you again, Iris."

Suga waved from the other bed, "Hi!"

"Hello Yoongi," Iris replied and waved back. They looked to Nari, "Oh, I hope you guys don't mind, I made some kandi for you."

The girl spoke slowly, unsure of what the word meant, "Kan-di? Like the food candy?"

"No, no, not like the food," Iris laughed, "Kandi, they're beaded bracelets like the ones that I have on. My sister is really into the punk and rave scene around here so we make them to trade at events. Here, I'll show you." They held up a peace sign, "Just do what I do, okay?"

Nari did as she was told and Iris touched the tips of their finger's to hers, making her heart skip a beat.


They made their hand into a heart, prompting her to do the same.


Iris intertwined their fingers with Nari's, the final step.

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