Bunny (토끼)

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Nari slowly opened her eyes and yawned as her vision adjusted to the light. The house was silent but sunlight streamed through the window. Was it really that late? Did everyone leave already?

Her eyes drifted to the side of the bed, where she found Namjoon in the exact same spot from the night before: Sitting in a chair directly across from the pillows. The boy snored softly and Nari couldn't help but giggle. Namjoon could fall asleep anywhere.

The girl sat up on the edge of the bed, her legs swinging softly. Last night seemed unreal, like it was just another dream, but Nari could still feel the invisible dirt on her skin. She shuddered and got up to go downstairs, tiptoeing carefully past Namjoon.

"Good morning, princess," A cheerful voice greeted the girl as she entered the kitchen. Classical music played softly in the background as Taehyung put down his cup of coffee.

Nari smiled, "Good morning, Tae." She wondered if he knew what happened.

The boy wrapped her in a tight hug, "I heard you had a rough night."

"It wasn't great," Nari admitted, "Did Suga or Namjoon tell you about yesterday?" She clung a little tighter, "Just, don't let go yet, okay?"

He kissed the top of her head, "Of course. And Namjoon told me after you fell asleep. I'm sorry, my princess. I wish that things were different."

"Me too," She relaxed into his embrace, "Is Suga okay?"

"Suga is doing just fine, there's no need to worry about him," Taehyung assured her, "He's working at the studio today." He paused, "Nari, just know that you mean a lot to that boy. Life hasn't exactly been kind to Suga, but I know that feels stronger with you by his side."

Nari spoke softly, "He makes me stronger too. I love him so much. And hey Tae, I've been thinking about this a lot lately, what do you think that you would be doing if you weren't an idol?"

"Hmm, that's a good question," Taehyung answered thoughtfully, "I'd probably be an actor or maybe a photographer. You know, Namjoon actually has a degree in electrical engineering. He's really smart."

Nari's eyes widened as she looked up at him, "Really? Namjoon knows engineering?"

"Yeah!" Taehyung laughed, "He was one of the top students in the country before he was an idol, and even taught himself English by watching American TV shows." He rested his chin on top of the girl's head protectively, "Our lives could have turned out very different so I'm extremely grateful for everything we have. Being an idol is hard sometimes, but I get to make music and be with the people I love." Taehyung sweetly kissed her forehead, "And yes, that includes you. You're family."

The girl nodded, "I'm grateful to have all of you. You're my family too, Tae." She let go and smiled, "I'm ready to take on the day. What's for breakfast?"

"That's my girl!" Taehyung chuckled, "Egg rolls and kimchi. Plus cereal." He handed a plate to Nari, "Why don't you take some up to Namjoon too? I'm sure he's hungry."

Nari took the plate eagerly and scampered upstairs, gently knocking on the door to Suga and Jin's room, "Namjoon?"

"Come in." A sleepy voice answered from the other side of the door. The girl entered the room and smiled as soon as she saw Namjoon, whose hair was sticking up in every direction as he rubbed his tired eyes. "What?" He yawned, "Do I look weird or something?"

"It's nothing," Nari giggled, "Here's your breakfast. Tae made it."

Namjoon eagerly accepted the food, "Thank you, darling. Have you thought any more about where you would like to go today?"

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