Locked (잠그다)

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Nari slowly opened her eyes the next morning and saw with relief that she was exactly where she last remembered: Namjoon's bed. She inhaled deeply and pulled the covers up to her chin. Her mind flashed back to last night, prompting a shudder. It seemed lately that she couldn't sleep in her own bed without having them. She felt bad for always interrupting the boys' sleep schedule (especially Namjoon and Taehyung), but they were the only thing that helped her feel safe.

The girl's eyes traveled to the other side of the room where she saw Namjoon completely passed out on Taehyung's mattress. He didn't even get to change out of his skinny jeans from yesterday. Nari got out from underneath the covers and made her way over to his bed. She brushed a gentle kiss on the side of his head while he slept as a smile stretched across her lips.

"Good morning." Nari whispered, "I love you, Namjoon."

She made her way downstairs and was was greeted by Taehyung, Suga, and Jimin, who waved at her from the kitchen table.

"Mornin' sweetheart," Jimin called out and rose to give the girl a hug, "How are you feeling?"

Nari hugged him back and stood on her tiptoes to quickly kiss the boy's cheek, "All better. What's for breakfast?"

"Just some noodles," He answered, "Is Namjoon up yet?"

"Not yet-"

"Who cares about Namjoon?" Taehyung interrupted, "Where's my hug? I'm very very sad that I didn't get the first hug of the morning."

Nari laughed and eagerly embraced him, "Good morning, Tae. Thank you for helping me last night."

"Now that's more like it!" Taehyung exclaimed and dotted the girl's face with little kisses, "And don't worry about it, I love you and I'm here to help. Anytime, day or night."

She thanked him again and hugged him a little tighter before letting go. No matter how much love she gave, Taehyung returned 10 times more. It was one of the things that she loved the most about him.

"Good morning Suga, Shu-ger." Nari wrapped her arms around the curly haired boy's shoulders and kissed his cheek.

Suga smiled and squeezed her hands from his position at the table, "Good morning to you too, lovely. Did you sleep any better?"

"Yup," The girl sat down next to him and took the bowl of noodles that Jimin handed her, "Thank you for reading to me. It helped a lot. Oh also Jungkook bought me another book yesterday, can we read it together when we're done with this one?"

Before Suga could answer, thumping noises came from the stairwell and a tall, drowsy boy appeared in the kitchen doorway. Nari waved excitedly, "Good morning, Namjoon!"

"Morning, darling." Namjoon shuffled over to the table and kissed the top of her head before going to the fridge, "And good morning to the rest of you too. Hey Tae, thanks for letting me steal your bed."

Taehyung handed him a bottle of juice, "No problem, man." He cleared his throat, "Uh, so we're still going through with the plan for today right?"

"What plan?" Nari asked and shot a worried glance at the two boys. By the way they were talking it sounded like something bad was going to happen.

"Oh yeah, that. Don't worry," Namjoon reassured the girl, "We're not going to do anything scary, I promise. We're going to a therapist today to see if they can help you with your bad dreams."

Nari paused, a forkful of noodles halfway to her mouth, "A therapist?"

"Therapy isn't a bad thing, it just means that you need a little extra help." Suga replied cheerfully, "Namjoon and I have been seeing a therapist for a few years now and Jimin used to see one too."

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