Sweet As Sugar (설탕처럼 달콤하다)

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"Yoongi?" Nari poked her head into the doorway of the room that the two members shared, book in hand, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, of course! What's up?" Suga put down the camera he was holding and patted the space beside him on the mattress, "You can come in if you want. This is your home too."

Nari smiled shyly and stood beside him, "Do you still have the daisy chains we made today?"

"Yep! Just give me a sec." Suga rummaged around in the shelving unit that separated the beds and then handed the girl a circular chain of slightly wilted daisies, "Here you go." He noticed the book in her hand, "Hey, whatcha reading?"

"The book of fairy tales that Jungkook got for me." Nari answered, "I really like it so far."

Suga smiled, "Awesome. Do you want to read them together?"

The girl nodded shyly, "Uh huh. I'd like that a lot."

"Good." He grinned and scooted over on the bed, "Did you have fun at the photoshoot today?"

"A lot of fun." Nari replied and sat cross legged beside him, "But can I ask you another question? Why do you go by your stage name even when you're not performing? We don't call Namjoon RM at the house, but everyone still calls you Suga."

The boy laughed, "Well, it's kind of more of a nickname than a stage name. It comes from the word sugar pronounced in English: Shu-ger. A producer gave me that nickname because he said that I look sweet."

"You are sweet." Nari declared, "I like that. Shu-ger. Suga." She snuggled into his frame, resting her head against the boy's chest and handed him the book, "Can you read first, Suga?"

Suga felt his heart melt like cotton candy hearing her call him by his nickname. She would never understand how lucky they were to have her. He kissed her head and opened the book, "Of course, lovely girl."

But before he could read the first word, the door to the room flew open and a very angry Jin stormed in.

"Dude! What the hell!" Jin exclaimed and threw a pillow at the other boy, "I wanted to read with her!"

Suga threw the pillow back, "Shut up Jin! You can't just claim an activity, that's bullshit! Besides, how was I supposed to know?!"

"It's okay, it's okay." Nari assured them tensely, "We can all read together. Please don't fight."

"Fine. I guess that's okay." Jin sighed dramatically and plopped down beside them on the bed, "But I want to be the one to cuddle with Nari." He grabbed a blanket from the bed and wrapped it around the both of them, brushing a kiss against the tip of her nose.

The girl giggled and leaned into his shoulder. Jin poked her cheek playfully, "Look at that big smile! So cute!"

"Jin! You're so distracting." Suga scolded him, "She wanted to read. You're ruining it."

"Okay, okay. Let's read." Jin drew Nari close and rested his chin on the top of her head, "What story are we reading?"

Suga opened the book to the table of contents, "Hmm, I'm not sure yet. What about Little Red Riding Hood? Or Cinderella?"

"Nuh-uh." Nari shook her head, "I want a happy ending."

"What do you mean? All fairytales have happy endings."

The girl flipped through the pages, "Not all of them. At the end of Little Red Riding Hood the hunter has to cut her out of the big bad wolf. Gross. That's not happy."

"Ohhh, so you want a sweet story!" Jin answered excitedly, "How about Rapunzel?"

Nari nodded, "Yeah! I love Rapunzel."

"Me too," Suga said, "You know, you're kind of like our Rapunzel."

"Maybe." She mumbled, "Tae does call himself my knight sometimes."

"If he gets to be a knight, then I want to be a prince!" Jin declared. He hugged Nari tightly, causing her to grin wide enough to make her cheeks sore. The boy shot a glance at Suga, who smiled softly but sadly and closed the book.

He needs her more than I do. Jin realized, I guess I did interrupt something important. He nudged the girl gently, "I think that our sweet boy wants some hugs. He needs your love more than anyone, kiddo."

"You're right. He needs love too." Nari agreed and embraced the green haired boy, "Suga, thank you for everything. We're so grateful to have you."

"We really are." Jin added and ruffled her hair, "Nari, be sure to give him all your love, okay?" He got up from the bed and softly closed the door behind him as he left the room.

Suga held the girl close, "You're sweet."

"Like you." Nari looked up at him with big brown eyes, "Shu-ger. Like Suga." She said once again and smiled brightly, "Suga, can we finish the story?"

"Of course, lovely." He opened the book and began to read.

Nari closed her eyes and let the smooth cadence of Suga's voice ease her mind. Somehow the story sounded better when he read it. As she listened along she felt herself transported to the world of princes and princesses, of hardships and happily ever afters.

She thought back to what Suga said about her being their Rapunzel. If that's true, the girl supposed, remembering that a similar thought crossed her mind in the bookstore with Jungkook, then I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have 7 princes of my own.

"Suga?" Nari said aloud, "If I'm Rapunzel, will you be my prince?"

"Of course I will." He answered lovingly, "We rescued you from the orphanage, didn't we? We became your princes the moment that Namjoon chose you." Suga took a deep breath and allowed himself to relax, "I really hope that you're happy here, because we're happy to have you."

The girl nodded enthusiastically, "Don't worry, I love it here. All of you make me feel so..." Her voice trailed off as she struggled to find the right word.


"Yeah. Loved." Nari repeated, "Like Rapunzel at the end of the story when she finds the prince again. Remember how her tears heal his blindness? That's how I feel."

Suga gently kissed the top of her head, "Me too. Love should always go both ways, Nari. The prince rescued Rapunzel and in return she healed his eyes. You help us just as much as we help you." He pressed his forehead against hers, his most tender sign of affection, "I saved you, but you saved me too."


this chapter wasn't originally in the story, i actually added it when i was proofreading a while ago. suga also wasn't originally one of my favorite members (when I first started listening to bts i biased jungkook 😳) but throughout the time I spent rereading and writing this fic he really grew on me. nari and suga have similar personalities, which made me want to develop their relationship a little more.

i hope that you guys are staying safe! please leave a vote or a comment if you want to! your feedback encourages and inspires me to keep writing!

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