Comic Con (코믹 콘)

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"How come Nari gets to come with you and we don't?" Jin stuck his head in the doorway and threw a stuffed bear on to the bed, jostling the laptop beside Namjoon and the girl beside him, "I wanna go to Boston!"

The other boy shooed him away, "Dude! Go away! I'm trying to talk to my girlfriend!"

"It's okay," Chelsea laughed, her image pixelated through the computer screen, "I don't mind."

"I do!" Namjoon complained, "Go awaaaaaay!"

Nari laughed and pulled Jin onto the bed, "Come on! Ms. Bradley said that she didn't mind. Let him stay."

"You don't have to keep calling me Ms. Bradley," The woman reminded her, "You can just say Chelsea. It is my name, after all. And Joon, if Jin or anyone else wants to tag along that's fine with me. I'd be happy to show them around too."

Jin's face broke into a bright grin, "That's great! I gotta tell the rest of the boys!" He grabbed Nari's hand and dragged her out the door, eager to spread the good news.

"You don't have to do this, Chels, " Namjoon groaned and turned to the laptop, "If you're hoping for romance, I'm afraid that I can't really deliver when there's seven other people watching."

Chelsea shook her head, "Don't worry about it. I'm sure that we'll find time. Besides, just being with you is enough."

"Namjoooooooon!" Taehyung slammed open the door to the hotel room and threw himself on to the bed, barely avoiding the computer, "Can we really come to Boston with you? Is that true? Oh, hi Chelsea!" He waved, "How are you?"

"I'm good!" She waved back, "And yeah, if you want to! There's an anime convention tomorrow actually, if you'd like to go."

His eyes lit up, "Really? I'd love to!"

"Well, if you're going to crash my date, you might as well bring everyone," Namjoon sighed, "You guys can come in."

Moments later, all five remaining members of BTS, as well as one 12 year old girl, piled on top of them...which finally knocked the laptop to the ground. Namjoon grunted as he tried to catch his breath, "Get. Off. All of you."

"You were going to Boston and you didn't tell us?" Jungkook whined, "And there was even anime convention? Dude, you suck."

"GET. OFF." The older boy shoved Jungkook off of him, "Yes, fine, you can all come. You have to behave though and you can't get recognized." He rescued the laptop from the floor, breathing a sigh of relief when he saw the screen intact, "Chels, is that okay?"

"Yeah, that's great actually! Also, just saying, but if you decided to cosplay then you'll probably have less of a chance of being recognized in public."

Suga let out an excited gasp, "Yeah! It's been forever since we did cosplay! I'm bringing my Naruto costume back."

"I'm going to be Hinata from Haikyuu!" The youngest boy exclaimed, "Tae, Jimin, Jin, what are you guys going to do?"

"I want to be Todoroki," Taehyung replied and ruffled the girl's hair, "Nari, you'd be the cutest Ochaco. Please cosplay with me."

Nari shook her hand off of her head, "But I don't watch My Hero Academia. I want to be the girl from Spirited Away." She looked to Namjoon for permission, "Can Iris come too?"

"Yeah, they might as well." He sighed.

"Yay!" The girl eagerly pulled out her phone, "I'm gonna text them right now!"

"I don't really care about anime that much," J-Hope stated, "Can I just not dress up?"

"No way!" Jin grabbed him by the shoulders, "This is a family event! You're going to cosplay Attack On Titan with Jimin and I and you're going to like it. I'll even let you be Eren."

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