Impact (타격)

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"Are you almost ready, darling?" Namjoon ran a hand through his short hair as they waited backstage, "And you're sure that you want to do this?"

Nari nodded, "Yes. Your fans are important to you and I want to meet them too."

"Alright," The boy smiled, "I'm just warning you, you're probably going to be asked the most questions today. You don't have to answer anything that you don't want to, okay? If you get uncomfortable at any time I want you to tap your left foot twice and look over at me. I'll handle it from there. Does that make sense, Nari?"

"Yes, Namjoon," She wrapped him in a quick hug, "But don't worry about me. I'll be okay."

Namjoon chuckled as they stepped onstage, "If you insist, darling."

Bright lights blinded the girl for a second as the cheers of young girls rang through her ears. She looked out to the audience to see at least 50 people all yelling her name. Nari managed a smile and waved shyly, which just made them louder.

"Hello everyone!" Her companion greeted them, "Thank you for coming out to support us!" Namjoon gently placed a hand on her head, "I'm sure most of you know her already, but this is Nari. She's the new member of our family and she will be joining us today for Q&A and signing. I hope you guys make her feel welcome here."

Nari could feel her face turning red as she bowed, "It's very nice to meet you all." She quickly stood up and took her seat, sandwiched in the middle between Suga and Namjoon. The curly haired boy gave her a bright smile. With all of his makeup on, Suga really did look sweeter than ever before.

"Uh, hello, this question is for Nari."

A soft voice snapped her back to the stage and saw a girl not much older than herself standing at a microphone. Nervous butterflies rose in her stomach. This is it.

"You said in the interview that came out a few months ago that you liked books," The girl continued, "What are some other things that you like so we know what to get you as gifts?"

Nari shot a nervous glance at Namjoon on her left, who nodded reassuringly. She took a deep breath, "Well, you don't have to get me anything. I've got everything I could ever want right here." The girl paused as murmurs went up from the crowd, "But if you really want to get me something, I like the art that you guys make for the boys. I think that you're all really talented and I love seeing it around the house."

"Thank you so much!"

The girl in the audience eagerly stepped aside, allowing the next person in line to come forward. Nari let out a sigh of relief. The first question was over. Suga placed his hand on top of hers and gently squeezed her fingers. Instantly, the girl relaxed and looked attentively at the next person at the microphone.

"This question is also for Nari," The fan stated, "What's something that you can tell us about each of the boys that most people don't know?"

"Hmmm," Nari thought for a minute, "Namjoon is bad at doing the dishes."

A laugh came from the crowd and the boy on her left side agreed sheepishly, "I honestly can't deny that one."

She giggled with renewed confidence, "Hobi has the most clothes, Jimin takes the longest to get ready in the morning, Jungkook dyes his own hair even though he's not supposed to, Jin sings in the shower, Suga is really good at telling stories-"

"Oh hey," Jimin interrupted, "What book are you guys reading now?" He turned to the audience, "They read to eachother like every day, it's so cute."

"We're reading The Catcher In The Rye!" Suga answered cheerfully.

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